Robert Courts (Debate)

Matthew Greenfield
👍 2

Wed 26 Aug 2020, 23:17 (last edited on Wed 26 Aug 2020, 23:18)

Yes he did! 

Also worth noting that some cross party MPs are subsequently threatening to sue the government over the lack of an independent enquiry in this matter:

 Here is his reply (but he make no mention of donations to his "fighting fund"...):

Dear Matthew,

Thank you for writing to me about the recently published Intelligence and Security Committee report on Russian interference in the UK.

The report makes for concerning reading. I suspect, however, that it confirms the view that most reasonable people already held on the Kremlin’s intentions towards the West. The question is whether President Putin’s attempts to sow division and disinformation succeed.

The Government has been clear that it will always be resolute in defending our country from hostile state activity. The Committee makes a number of recommendations to further strengthen the UK’s national security capabilities and I am sure that my ministerial colleagues will consider these carefully.

The Government has separately concluded that Russian actors almost certainly sought to interfere in the 2019 General Election. This was attempted through the online amplification of sensitive government documents that were unlawfully acquired and leaked. While there is no evidence to suggest a broader Kremlin campaign against the General Election, such activity represents a clear violation of international norms. A criminal investigation is now ongoing and the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, has said that the Government reserves the right to respond with appropriate measures in the future.

I also want to assure you that there is no evidence of successful interference in the EU referendum in 2016. The Intelligence and Security Agencies produce regular assessments of democratic processes in the UK and these are updated in response to new intelligence where necessary. Given this approach I do not believe that a retrospective assessment of the referendum is required.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.

With every good wish,


Robert Courts MP

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