Walking and cycling tourism

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 15 Mar 2008, 10:12

Michael - I confess to being a little disappointed by your emotive language!

A very good local example of an improved rural pathway for cycling is here, on the Sustrans path north of Woodstock. A beautiful, wooded path, the surface has been sympathetically improved for the benefit of both walkers and cyclists without, I would submit, any loss of character. There is no question, no question at all, of tarmac.

The Salt Way would only need similar treatment between Dustfield Farm and the main Woodstock Road, just half a mile of a path some six miles long. Much of this section is exceptionally rutted due to years of use by 4x4s, and as a result, when Anna and I walked it recently, we found it almost unwalkable in some sections - a great shame given the work in the past that's gone into interpretation boards. A gentle improvement along the lines of the Woodstock path, probably only taking up a small proportion of the full width, would greatly benefit walkers as well as cyclists.

Similarly, the Stonesfield Lane is cyclable - and cycled! - already. A small amount of improvement to even out some of the worst bumps would not affect its character in the slightest (only my opinion, of course).

I'd encourage you to have a look out for the Woodstock path next time you're passing - it's a wonderful example of how working together can benefit all users. It is maintained by local 'Ranger' volunteers, too, which is both sustainable and encourages community involvement.

Derek - it's great that you feel confident on the B roads; there are however many types of cyclist (and many who aren't yet cyclists!) who would not, beginner cyclists in particular. I'm a pretty confident cyclist - indeed, I wrestle with heavy traffic every day in the town where I work - and love cycling on most of the roads round here, but the Chipping Norton, Enstone, Witney and Woodstock roads are four of the most dangerous I cycle on, anywhere. (The Burford Road's fine... a bit steep though!). Sharp bends with high hedges mean visibility from motorists is poor, and traffic speed is fast. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that others' experiences may and do vary.

Again, absolutely no question of or need to tarmac Stonesfield Lane; and no need for modest improvements to be expensive.

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