RhodesMustFall Peaceful Protest Tomorrow (9th at 5pm) (Debate)

Caspar Way
👍 14

Sun 14 Jun 2020, 12:28 (last edited on Sun 14 Jun 2020, 12:38)

There are a few of us who are interested in setting up a space where we can discuss some of these topics but we weren't sure on the best way to do this. Judging by the amount of engagement on this thread, we are encouraged that people do have things to say on this and would like to start a conversation on race and Black Lives Matter in Charlbury.   

We are also encouraged by the recent climate movement in Charlbury. We are sure that there are lots of people in this community who share values and want to engage in this conversation. Likewise we think it would be helpful to have a critical self-reflection of how we can all do better in creating a more inclusive community right here in Charlbury.

This thread has highlighted that an internet forum may not be the best way to have a productive conversation so we are suggesting that this could start with a zoom call, or in person at a social distance outside. If you would be interested in this conversation, please like this comment and we can use that as an initial starting point. If you would like to contribute any ideas and/or participate, please contact charlburyandblm@gmail.com

Currently we are only 4 white people, so we are conscious of our own positionality and do not want to speak for others. That is why we would currently frame the conversation around our own complicity in racism (unconscious or not), white privilege and how we can all improve in making the town more welcoming. We feel as though this critical self-reflection is as important, if not more, than the issue around statues and an abstracted discussion of UK colonial history - though both are welcome. 

We would also like to diversify this conversation, so we encourage people of all backgrounds to get in touch. As this is a sensitive topic, we have also created an anonymous way that people are able to submit feedback on this and/or experiences of community life in Charlbury that could be reflected on. This can be submitted here: https://forms.gle/BqJu4cVTUwC55tHQ7

At the moment this is just the start of an idea and a conversation so please get in touch with any feedback / thoughts / or if you want to get more involved.

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