Daily Press Conferences (Debate)

Rod Evans
👍 9

Sun 31 May 2020, 13:01 (last edited on Sun 31 May 2020, 20:58)

I responded to Carl’s earlier post mainly because of his implied suggestion of hypocrisy elsewhere (of well intentioned people who complied with the Regulations).  Views differ – and may be entrenched – but let’s ask ourselves where the real hypocrisy lies – and why it’s important.

First, no-one is ‘entitled’ to make an error of judgment – but of course we are all capable of doing so.  Interesting that Carl now seems to accept there was one. The obvious difference here is that others have acknowledged theirs, apologised and done the decent (and very British!) thing and resigned.  For which some limited respect, however stupid their behaviour.  First rule for rule breakers is not to get caught!

Whatever your view of him as a person, it is almost as absurd to suggest that Cummings needed to travel for 250 miles from London to resolve child care issues – think of the thousands who couldn’t / didn’t / haven’t - as it is to drive 60 miles to test your eyesight.  Try reading the Regulations!

Of course we should all be concerned with more important things than Mr Cummings (with you re Hong Kong Carl).  But why were MPs’ inboxes and the media – inc R4’s Question Time – flooded with emails complaining about his actions?  David Lammy made the point that this is someone who (despite living in Islington haha) for ages has berated the ‘metropolitan elite’ for being out of touch while identifying himself with the ‘common people’ – but immediately it suited him, he waved 2 fingers at them. And everyone else. 

So whose is the wrongdoing here?  The shameless hypocrisy of Cummings and Johnson, bending their own Regulations after the event to cover Cummings’ behaviour?  Or the media for reporting on the wave of ill-feeling, the sense of ‘one law for us, another for them’ it’s created?  And the consequent undermining of trust and the failure to follow the Regulations that will surely follow. That is the real damage they’ve caused and why it’s important – people thinking ‘well if it’s ok for the PM’s chief adviser to bend the rules…’  Which will seriously weaken the social distancing imperative as the restrictions loosen.  Second wave, anyone?

I find I keep asking this.  Why are we always lions led by donkeys? Meaning in this case people everywhere trying to do the right thing but let down by those ‘above’ who think the rules don’t apply to them.  My last post on this, promise – more important things to do…

PS  I know, I know!  But on our family zoom this evening my brother-in-law used a new expression apparently doing the rounds: 'Doing a Cummings'.  Meaning interpreting the rules however your 'instinct' tells you is ok.  I rest my case.

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