Awareness through Movement classes are now online

Ed Woodall

Sun 5 Apr 2020, 18:35

So pleased that the Forum is open again. I am new to the village and am looking forward to making my life here. 

I have been slightly hampered by falling for a girl who lives in London and so I have not actually been in Charlbury as much I would like and only time will tell how that is going to work out! 

In the meantime I would like to alert people to what I do professionally . 

I teach something called the Feldenkrais Method which is a way of helping you t move more easily. Whether you have chronic pain, or just simply would like to do your favourite things and the mundane stuff with more ease and skill, this method can help you. 

I have been running classes at the Community Centre now since the autumn of "19. The class is still small but much loved by those who do come. I cannot say how well I have been treated by the team at the centre. They are SO accommodating and nice; what an amazing resource we have in this place. 

Obviously my classes and one to ones have had to go online like everything else. 

I want to encourage those of you who have tried and enjoyed the tasters to come to online classes. The Charlbury focused one is on Wednesday lunchtime 12.30 pm and is the best for beginners. But of course now we are on line you could join any of the classes! There is one on Monday lunch and one on Tuesday evening too; all on Zoom. 

I am charging the normal rate for those who have the means and pay what you can for those in hardship. 

Please have a look at my website if this sounds of interest and I am much looking forward to getting to know people through my work and through more social means when this bloody crisis eases off!

You will see that the terms cost £75 for 8 lessons but anyone who comes for the first time though the forum will just need to pay £60 for the course and of course if that is not possible for you then email me at and we can come to an arrangement to pay what you can. 

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