The Cotswold Line Trains

Igor Goldkind

Thu 10 Jan 2008, 14:30

Here's another group that appears to get results from FGW , at least around Bristol:

More Train Less Strain today met with FGW area manager Andrew Griffiths and their marketing manager. FGW readily admitted that the quality of their service has been becoming worse and is unacceptable. MTLS made clear that public discontent is such that a new year fare strike is almost inevitable. We stated that a 10% fare rise at a time when FGW admits their service is in a state of chaos is like pouring oil on the fire. We have suggested to FGW that the public might hold back on action if they withdraw the fare rise. The ball is in their court. It is up to FGW to rebuild confidence in their train service.
Public meeting
Have your say at a public meeting at the Grove Street Church Hall, Grove Street, Bath, Tuesday 15th January, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. We want you to tell us how we, the travelling public should respond to the worsening service and increase in fares. Has the time come for action?

Thanks to the insane government policy for awarding new train franchises,
the First Great Western (FGW) take over of Wessex on 11th December 2006 resulted in 20 carriages immediately being withdrawn from a service that was already running near full capacity. The effect of this was fewer and shorter trains, delays, cancellations and travellers unable to board trains. Travellers refused to pay their fares in the now world famous Fare Strike of January 2007. FGW responded by reducing fares and finding more carriages. Round one to us.

DECEMBER 2007 and FGW are about to hand back 12 coaches to the leasing company, put up fares by 10%, and reduce the number of trains stopping at local stations. FGW are so worried that you wont be able to get on their trains that they have even been handing out leaflets asking you not to take local trains!

More Train Less Strain is now planning dramatic action for January that will once again grab national headlines. It might be a Fare Strike or…………
If you can give practical help in the organisation and planning please log onto the forum and make your wishes clear and we’ll keep you informed of future plans.

A decent train service with enough carriages so you know you wont be left standing o the platform
Trains leaving and arriving when they are meant to
Fares that are fare, not fares that line shareholders pockets.
Is that too much to ask?

It’s time the government faced up to the fact that train franchising isn’t working.
You can’t run a decent train service if profits are creamed off to pay shareholders and the government exchequer. That is what is happening now, and that is why fares are so expensive and the service is so bad.
The government must take immediate action by removing the franchise from this wealthy, rapacious and accident prone company and taking the franchise back into public ownership.

Join the forum to keep in touch, and write to your MP and local papers to complain about FGW. Organise your own local protests or join in ours.

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