Extinction (or) Rebellion

👍 1

Sun 2 Jun 2019, 08:51 (last edited on Mon 3 Jun 2019, 08:05)

In response to Jon’s call for a meeting 18 people met at Friends Meeting House on Thursday. The discussion started off exploring people’s concerns about climate change and the lack of meaningful action by the UK Government. Recent meetings that some of the attendees have had with Robert Courts have demonstrated a need for further engagement. Disagreements on the respective role of markets, technical solutions and behavioral change remain.

Discussion soon moved onto how we can take action in Charlbury. This included discussion on the personal changes needed to how we live as well as the need for political action - and a recognition of the links between these, personal action creating momentum for change. The quote from George Monbiot that it only takes 3% of a population to stimulate change was regularly referred to (in Charlbury this equates to 90 people by the way).

One of the points of discussion was the potential establishment of a chapter of XR in Charlbury – a group is already in the process of being set up in Witney. Arguments in favour of this included that it would provide a means to engage young people and of course it connects us to a broader movement. However there are also genuine concerns that it may become confusing if we end up with multiple organisations pursuing similar goals (Sustainable Charlbury, Charlbury Green Hub, XR etc). No conclusions were reached on this but a future meeting may involve an XR representative providing more information on what setting up a local group would mean in practice.

The group was very supportive of the efforts by Sustainable Charlbury to get the Town Council to declare a climate emergency. Similar efforts are already being planned for Chipping Norton (see the separate notice about this). Such a declaration would provide a means to engage with residents on the issues, could stimulate other Councils to follow suit and ultimately could put pressure on our MP to take a stronger and more progressive climate change stance.

Upcoming events were highlighted. Watch out for a talk ‘What being carbon neutral would mean for Charlbury’, by Mary Totman on July 2 in The Bell. The potential of doing something at the Beer Festival and Riverside was also discussed although we were running out of time. If anyone has any ideas on how these events could be used please come forward.

Other ideas that were briefly discussed included holding public talks / discussions with notable speakers on climate related issues, or possible political solutions (basic income was mentioned); climate crisis clinics to which local people could come with their questions; more engagements with young people (perhaps in the context of school strikes); working with other local groups of people who are going to be affected by the climate emergency (parents, gardeners...!?); having a presence at local festivals and other events; holding an XR 'induction' for people who want to understand more about what the group is doing, how it does it and how we might be involved; and work on understanding specifically what Charlbury will be like once the emergency bites, and how this could be mitigated.

The meeting was full of energy and ideas about what can be done here in Charlbury and a second meeting will be convened in the coming weeks to develop more concrete follow up actions. All are welcome, young and old– it would be great if we can get to the magical 90 number! Please watch this space or contact me if you would like to be involved in planning this.

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