Woody Lane Planning Application

Rod Evans

Tue 30 Oct 2018, 10:50 (last edited on Tue 30 Oct 2018, 11:15)

This may not be a 'major development' but I believe it will be the first test at Charlbury of how WODC will apply the new Local Plan policies in relation to housing development in the AONB (and hence in their Burford-Charlbury sub-area).

I've deliberately said 'at' Charlbury because the Plan distinguishes between places outside the AONB and those within it, and then between development on land 'within' the built-up area and on land 'adjoining' it. This site IMHO at most only 'adjoins' and then only because of recently granted permissions either side of it. You might consider it as entirely 'beyond' the built-up area but on past form, WODC may even treat it as 'within', in which case the bar is set lower.

But let's say they treat it as 'adjoining'. In that case, para 5.34aii (yes, it's really that ****!) of the Plan says "housing proposals on undeveloped land adjoining built up areas will be particularly closely scrutinised and will only be supported where there is convincing evidence of a specific LOCAL (my emphasis) housing need such as needs identified through a neighbourhood plan or affordable housing needs specific to a particular settlement". There's further support for that at para 9.6.29b (warned you!).

What you may not know is that WODC obtained a report on housing need in the Burford-Charlbury sub-area ('the Brett Associates report') at the request of the Local Plan Inspector. Drawing on its conclusions, it's safe to say that the type of housing proposed here mostly serves to attract incomers of a certain age with established equity behind them but does little to meet the needs of the existing communities or to attract 'new blood' to keep those communities demographically well balanced. No surprise there.

Since I am an incomer 'of a certain age' etc let me be clear that's not a personal criticism of any of them! It's just that the housing need in Charlbury is NOT for 5 bedroom houses likely to cost over £1m. And now WODC have policies in place which should enable them to refuse applications of this kind (in the AONB) in favour of schemes which would meet local needs. The forthcoming Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan I expect will also lend support to that objective.

But as ever, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. The policy changes were also instigated by the Inspector but they are now in the Local Plan which is the starting point for determination of applications. You may want to object on other grounds as well or instead of this but my objection will be on the basis that if development is acceptable at all on this field, it should be of a kind to meet 'specific local needs' as required by para 5.34aii not for large 'executive' style housing. The official deadline for representations is 1 Nov (though it may still be possible to make them after that).

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