Local Crime: Community Sentence - free sessions for groups

phillip perlin

Wed 7 Nov 2007, 17:29

To all community groups in Charlbury. Would you like to have a presentation on local crime and community sentencing? I am a member of the Board of Thames Valley Probation Area and we are trying to interest groups in the area in having a lively and interactive presentation on crime and community sentences. Below is the text of a publicity flyer on this.

If you are interested, please let me know and I will pass on your details. Alternatively, you can contact the person at TVPA, details at the end of the flyer, but please also let me know that you have contacted her.

Feel free to pass this on to groups in other areas. I have more publicity materials if you need them.

Thanks very much

Phillip Perlin



Thames Valley magistrates and staff from Thames Valley Probation are working together to:

1. Improve public confidence in sentencing;
2. Raise awareness of the effectiveness of community sentences.

In order to achieve this, the Local Crime: Community Sentence (LCCS) Co-ordinator arranges for the magistrates and probation staff from the Thames Valley area, working in pairs, to make presentations to members of the public in a wide range of organisational settings.

We are looking for community groups in Thames Valley, who would like to know more about how offenders are sentenced. The presentations are fun. We involve audiences in an exercise, using a base study of an offender and their offence, together with relevant background information. The audience will have the chance to decide whether the offender goes to prison or is given a community sentence. They are then told how decisions are arrived at, in determining the most appropriate sentence to impose and then they are given a second opportunity to decide the fate of the offender.

This is a lively and interactive presentation where members of the audience are invited to express their own opinion and views about the sentencing of offenders. The presentation takes approximately one and a quarter hours to complete to give the audience the opportunity to fully participate. The presentation requires a minimum of 10 participants and is totally free.

We have already completed more than 25 presentations throughout Thames Valley to a variety of groups such as Rotary Clubs, Local Councils, Age Concern, and U3As (University of the Third Age).

For more information please visit our local pages on www.lccs.org.uk or contact Clare Hooper, LCCS Co-ordinator, telephone 01869 255300, email Clare.hooper@thames-valley.probation.gsi.gov.uk

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