Charlbury Garden Society Annual Show and the Drought

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 26 Jul 2018, 11:57

A few thoughts...

(1) Before watering, ensure the soil round the base of a specific plant is loose (the principle of Geoff's hoe, but a trowel or hand fork will do). A little water will go a long way. The water needs to penetrate as deeply as possible, not get trapped in a shallow crust.

(2) Some websites tell you that watering trees or shrubs is a waste of time. Not after a prolonged and hot drought, it isn't. If a tree or shrub looks 'stressed', it probably is, either because of the heat or the dry. If you don't know which, don't take a chance: loosen the soil, then empty a washing up bowl round its roots and do the same tomorrow.

(3) Water where shady to avoid instant evaporation and burnt leaves. But we are warned that leaving plants damp over night can eventually cause mildew and rot.

(4) Remember that our garden belongs to our wildlife too. Birds are desperately hungry and thirsty at the moment in equal measures. Bird baths need cleaning and refilling every day, and one should be on the ground for hedgehogs to share. Hang bird feeders in the shade of trees, and try to scatter mealworms (which you soak first) on the ground for them: not all birds like seeds. A steady supply of fatballs helps too. And frogs and toads will want to shelter under stones and they welcome a bit of damp too.

(5) Leave seeds and berries on your plants. Birds will love them. They will come in from the fields and hedgerows anyway in the autumn, hoping to find them. Let's not disappoint!

(6) We need to rethink how we use pots in the garden. Maybe we should stop thinking of them as clever or smart? They tend to dry out fast and use a lot of water. Perhaps only grasses in pots? Thoughts on this?

Finally, the Met Office says we might get a shower or two, or even a thunderstorm, over the next 2 or 3 days. Really heavy rain makes less of an impact than we think. And they have no rain whatever here for the following ten days. So if it rains at the weekend, let's not assume it's all over, for us or for the birds.

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