Charlbury Garden Society Annual Show and the Drought

Geoff Holmberg

Thu 26 Jul 2018, 07:33

Despite the dry weather the Garden Society Committeee have agreed that the Charlbury Garden Society's Annual Show should go ahead as normal on 1st September.

The theme will be "coping with drought" and we believe gardeners in Charlbury will rise to the challenge.

There are a few simple things we can do now to help.

Use of the hose is tempting but "spot watering" where the water is directed to the plants that need it can be very effective.

We always keep a few plastic milk containers by the kitchen sink so that the cold water run off before the hot water arrives is used to fill the cartons which are then used to water pots outside. (Although I suspect pots aren't a very water efficient way of growing plants). Also used washing up water can be used on the garden ?" washing up liquid will do no harm although detergents can.

One old gardener used to say "in dry weather the best watering can is the hoe". What he meant was that we should avoid any dry crusting on the surface of the soil as this encourages capillary action to draw what water there was up to the surface. By hoeing you create a "dust mulch" which helps retain water. I think it may also help to avoid water run off when the rain does eventually come.

Other things we should do is to avoid watering during sunshine or the heat of the day ?" early morning or late evening is best.

Disturbing to hear this morning that water leakage from the water companies amount to 150 litres of water per household per day!

Also we know from the experiences of 1976 that we don't have to worry too much about dry brown/yellow grass - despite dire warnings about having to re-lay lawns, when the first rains came they recovered very quickly.

Finally a request from one of the Committee to not forget the wildlife:

May I please take this opportunity to make a plea for everyone to clean out and fill their bird baths daily and if possible put dishes of water out for hedgehogs, frogs, toads and other animals. I have just spoken to a friend in Herefordshire where they have hedgehogs in their garden. Her husband had just rescued a big hedgehog which avidly slurped up the water it was given.

More tips will be welcome please.

Finally, the Annual Show does include many non- growing classes ?" cookery, handicrafts and flower arrangements. The flowers for the flower arrangement classes do not have to be grown by the entrants and can indeed be shop bought.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Show either as exhibitors or as visitors.

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