The Cotswold Line Trains

Geoffrey Griffiths

Thu 27 Sep 2007, 16:02

“Ed” unfairly suggests that the Cotswold Line Promotion Group (CLPG) does not consult with rail users: ‘I will ask again, how many regular commuters have been invited to give their comments to CLPG?’ As Charlbury Representative for the CLPG I clearly request views and feedback from rail users on the notice board at the station. I spend a considerable amount of time answering letters, emails and telephone calls from many different rail users, commuters and leisure travelers alike. “Ed” and anyone else are welcome to contact me on: 01608 811312 or

“Ed” goes on to state that, ‘We’re stuck with a group of retired people who don’t understand commuters but are telling FGW what times suit there own interpretation of a day out. Isn’t it about time they started listening to all users or someone started a new user group?’ For "Ed" to suggest that the CLPG, "don't understand commuters but are telling FGW what times suit their own interpretation of a day out" is entirely contrary to the way CLPG works with the Train Operating Company, FGW, and questions the integrity of the Officers who represent the CLPG at meetings with them.

The CLPG has an excellent working relationship with FGW, based on many years of careful negotiations about a whole range of issues that concern the over 1700 members of the Group. The complexity of providing a reliable service within the constraints of, mostly single track; the need to fit in with greater traffic flows at either end of the line (Oxford to London and Hereford to Birmingham) and the stringent financial and operating terms set out in the current franchise by the Department for Transport (DfT) is daunting. Simply telling FGW what the timetable should be would be a complete waste of time. But, because of our close working relationship with FGW the CLPG is in a position to argue the case for all rail users, commuters and leisure alike. This does NOT mean that we compromise our independence: for the small sum of £4.00 per annum members can read in the quarterly Newsletter the many examples of where the CLPG has challenged FGW over poor management, sloppy operating procedures and inept timetabling.

This debate might not be taking place at all had it not been for the very effective activities of the CLPG some 20 years ago when British Rail planned to withdraw all through trains to/from London. We might now be having a shuttle service of Turbos between Moreton-in-Marsh and Oxford and a similar shuttle of Sprinters between Evesham and Worcester. Charlbury would probably no longer justify being a staffed station. Also, some trains in the current timetable directly owe their existence to suggestions made at various times in the past by the CLPG. These include the 1352, 1752, 1922 and 2019 from Paddington.

“Ed” is correct when he states that the majority of CLPG members are over 60 years of age, but why is this? The membership of CLPG in the Charlbury area is 199, with perhaps another 100 or so who live elsewhere, but use the station. The vast majority of these, however, are not commuters, so there must be some 200 regular users of the station who are not CLPG members.

We can only represent your views and interests if you become a member of what is now the second largest rail users group in the country! See the notice-board at Charlbury station for details of membership or visit the Website (

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