Future of Retail in Charlbury

Helen Bach

Sun 26 Aug 2007, 03:07

Dear Charlbury

I have just moved to Charlbury having spent many years living in London. I thought I had escaped the loony-lefty, politcally correct way of life in the capital. I am incredulous of the short-sighted, communist mentality shown by the wooley-minded neo-Stalinist powers that are running this otherwise delightful town.

One would have thought that the people of Charlbury had voted for Sarkozy in the French elections - such is the protectionist attitude displayed within the pages of this forum.

It seems that a retailer's livelihood can be destroyed by Chairman Mao worshipping faceless beauracrats. This creates a situation where these pinkos should - by rights - give the business's owners some way of salvaging the enterprise - even if that means giving a property change of use to turn the now unprofitable shop into a much needed family reidence.

I have to agree with the comments of James Lavelle. However, as a new-comer to Charlbury, wouldn't it make a lot more sense for the planning rules to be amended so that retail outlets can be relocated to the Co-op site and therefore create a level playing field against which all the hardworking free marketeers can compete against the prevailing domination of the Co-op.

This would also create a hub for both commercial and community activities.

Who cares for a community centre in Charlbury - a commercial centre is needed if Charlbury is at all serious about ensuring retail has a future in the town.

Charlbury can only get the business it deserves. In the present climate the Co op is the only viable retail outlet and that's the fault of the left-leaning Graunidad reading tofu munching element of the town's society. These bourgouise hypocrites should climb out of their ivory tower's and learn A)how to read a balance sheet and B) learn the harsh realities of running a business. After all, who would continue to run a business at a loss for the foreseeable future?


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