Mon 6 Mar 2017, 17:11
National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty have many similarities. They share the same national landscape status and are recognised as landscapes of particular significance and beauty and that should be protected. The original thinking in 1949 was that although certain areas might not be suitable as National Parks because of their limited size and lack of wildness, their beautiful landscapes still needed protection and hence they were designated as AONB's. However there are some differences both in terms of the way they are funded and their place in the planning system. National Parks are funded directly from Government (Defra)whereas AONB'sare funded through Defra and the local authorities and consequentlyhave to compete with many other services. From the very outset the introduction and development of AONBs has been dogged by lack of adequate funding, insufficient staffing and an element of political indifference In addition National Parks are the statutory planning authority for their area but planning in AONB's is the responsibility of local authorities of which there may be a number operating in a single AONB. The Cotswolds is one of the most beautiful areas of England, known and loved by people across the world. It is the largest of 38 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England and Wales: an area of warmth and clarity with stone walls and buildings, open skies, rolling grasslands, beech woods and captivating villages, making it an outstanding English landscape - a landscape once experienced, never forgotten. The distinction between National Parks andAONBs is becoming less clear cut .In 2009 the Sussex Downs and East Hampshire AONBs were re-designated as the South Downs National Park. Therefore, there is now an argument the Cotswolds should also be considered to be a National Park. A petition is running on this and if you feel that the Cotswolds should now become a National Park it would be interesting to know your view by signing the petition. petition.parliament.uk/petitions/177496/signatures/new