Footpath below New Barn garage

Jim Holah

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 21:48

Just so you are all aware, I've had a frustrating dialogue with Cllr Rodney Rose....not because he's been unhelpful, but that there appears to be little that can be done, unless the Police actually witness an obstruction being caused at the point it occurs. I pointed out all of the issues that Richard has raised, but Rodneys response based on advice to him is copied here.

"Dear Jim

Thank you for your emails.

Although there is no legislation preventing vehicles from parking on footways, there is an offence of the vehicles causing 'actual obstruction' which is enforceable by Thames Valley Police, however this is tricky to enforce, as the 'obstruction' has to be evidenced and occurring at that time, i.e. someone requiring access past the obstruction but being prevented from doing so.

Unfortunately there is little that the local authority can do, apart from installing bollards or similar, which in itself could also create an obstruction on narrower footways, so not ideal. There is also an option to consider a Traffic Regulation Order to prevent parking on pavements, however, firstly, it would be unlikely to be undertaken on a localised basis such as Charlbury, and secondly the County Council has no current plans to adopt this as a policy on a wider scale.

One option available would be to contact Thames Valley Police to enquire whether the local Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) could visit the location to assist with your concerns formally or informally."

I noted in Woodstock recently a poster attached to a post that was placed by the local PCSO team warning people that they could be fined, but without an actual incident being witnessed by the Police it seems there's little can be done. Parking needs to be prevented at this corner to avoid both this problem and the traffic snarl-ups that occur. It seems very unfortunate that OCC have no plans to apply a traffic regulation order or it appears to provide additional parking restrictions that could be enforced. If our District Councillor & Town Councils are in support (they are.....they confirmed it to me)and there is a solution then OCC and or TVP need to be pressed to enforce this.

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