Paul D Jenkins |
Mon 5 Dec 2016, 08:47 (last edited on Mon 5 Dec 2016, 13:33) Tim, I read your comments with interest especially where you refer to the question of what usage the sports hall would get from members of the Charlbury Community. Firstly, before I respond, may I state, that I'm a huge supporter of the impact and attractiveness to Charlbury that your business brings. In very simple terms, the Town Poll has been designed to fund the construction of 19 new car parking spaces, two of which are disabled, general improvements to the external landscape of this area and improved access to Nine acres recreation ground.Democracy will undoubtedly prevail, and I very much hope the community will see the benefit of the additional parking and enhanced facilities in this area, compared to the barren waste ground that has been in situ since the demolition of the secondary school. This must be a good provision for all business across Charlbury. The Town Poll and subsequent outcome is not intended to or will not fund the sports facilities on this site. I do, however, take umbrage that there is little demand for a sporting facility at Charlbury Community Centre. My response is written in my capacity as a trustee of the Thomas Gifford Trust, youth coach and chairman for Charlbury Cricket Club and as a manager/ coach of two junior football teams representing Charlbury Town Youth FC The cricket club are generally restricted to approximately 12 weeks out door training per annum. The new community centre will now offer a state-of-the-art sports facility that will allow these 160 youth members to train potentially each week, availability permitting, throughout the year. Most of the children live in Charlbury. A massive difference! Understandably, the figures quoted in the town survey did not capture ANY votes from the youth members of the Charlbury community. Equally, for youth football, the junior section has had to train on tarmac surfaces in Winter that are totally unsuitable, for a variety of reasons, especially as the children grow older. The club now provides football training for over 14 teams,and each of these teams, are anticipated to book a weekly training session within the new facility. At present, various teams travel to and train at Kingham, Witney or Woodstock or not at all. Again, the analysis is missing out ANOTHER 160 children that will use the community centre - per week!! Finally, If I may touch upon why I became a member of the Thomas Gifford Trust. It was simply that I was hugely impressed that they canvassed all sporting groups, that have a current activity in Charlbury, and ascertained what the sporting requirements were going forward. Overwhelmingly, the tennis club, football club (both junior and senior), Cricket club and badminton clubs indicated huge support. I just felt that I had to help. There is now the hope of growing many more sports including netball, hockey, handball, basketball & volleyball, attempting to attract young women back to sport and also offer opportunities for older / disabled people & those recovering from strokes or heart attacks, linked to improved social activities in Charlbury. The proposal has also now extended to potentially offering both preschool and primary school children use of the facility at certain times of the day, free of charge, to supplement their sporting/educational provision and further, ensuring that every child in Charlbury has the option of undertaking sport on a daily basis. All parents that have children undertaking sport in Charlbury, I know generally support these views. I hope many others will too next Thursday.