The Proposed Parish Poll Question

Tim Widdows

Sun 4 Dec 2016, 13:34

Having taken a good look at the town survey 2016 draft results.
I noticed a couple of interesting parts
1st: page 42
Question: Charlbury Community Centre will have a new sports hall would you use this hall for any of the following ?
Football 82 said yes 49 didn't know 648 said no
Cricket 66 said yes 63 didn't know 642 said no
Badminton 168 said yes 107 didn't know 528 said no
Junior soft ball tennis 81 said yes 55 didn't know 629 said no

looks like the No's have it on all counts
Could someone remind me why with all the no's indicated by this survey are we having this building in the first place ? it seems to be being built with very little interest from the good Charlbury folk.

2nd: Page 82
Question 80: In the future, the town council may also wish to raise additional capital funds for various projects by raising the town council precept.
please indicate the level of additional precept that you would find acceptable on an annual basis if the town council were to organise a long term loan to support the development of the community facilities for Charlbury,such as modernisation of the Corner house or street improvements in the town centre.
161 had no opinion
75 were happy to add £5.00 per year
118 were happy to add £10.00 per year
74 were happy to add £15.00 per year
175 were happy to add £20.00 per year
17 were happy to other amounts (not specified)

So if with this upcoming poll question this week and mix in this survey question
which I know is not guaranteed to happen but "Could" happen.
then our council tax bills could be a lot higher in the future if all these
" loans " were to go through along with possibly more applications that jump onto the bandwagon like oh I don't know how about me asking the community to help pay for a loan so that i could update all the fixtures and fittings in my shop as the town survey says'
Question 33
How often do you or members of your household visit ?
Cotswold Frames results.
134 people visit monthly
17 people more than once a week
43 people visit weekly
525 people visit occasionally
149 have never visited

I think that if you compare these results against lets say Question 22 of the town survey about whether you would use the community centre sports hall for football / cricket / badminton or softball tennis and you add up all the yes's they reveal that only 397 people would use it now compare that to the number of people that actually use my shop which totalled 719 people (thank you by the way much appriciated ) then its a no brainer my application should fly through its far more popular than the new sports hall it seems. Could someone tell me who to apply to ?

Joking aside personally I feel that there should be a voluntary box to tick on your council tax bill to say that you wish to donate an extra £X amount that year towards your local council for such cost that way if you want to use said amenities then your more likely to be happy to pay towards the costs and then the people who have no interest in the said projects don't have to, rather than letting the whole community be straddled with 20 years plus of debt they didn't want in the first place.

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