Helen Bessemer-Clark |
Mon 21 Nov 2016, 12:27 I have, for many months, and after many emails, been trying to get some action from the Highways Dept on the appalling condition of the road surface at the top of Sheep Street. I know that other streets in Charlbury have equally bad surfaces, but I have eventually received a full explanatory, if not very encouraging, reply from Councillor Rodney Rose, (who has given me permission to post his letter on the Forum). "Dear Helen, On the question of the slurry-seal, this can be looked at in the same light as a vaccination against real illness. Once a tarmac surface becomes porous, water sinks in, and then winter "frost-lift" then destroys the structure. On this basis, we try to do a good mileage of slurry seal each summer on structurally sound roads, which can protect for up to 20 years, rather than let potholes form and lead to area repairs and complete re-making of sections of roads. And the costs of the sealing are miniscule compared to re-structuring and tarmacking. I do realise this can be a bit annoying when the road at "the bottom of the pile" is the one we use the most, but I regret that this is the only way that we can fairly ration what works we do, and be as safe as money allows. Rodney"