The Proposed Parish Poll Question

Peter Kenrick

Fri 11 Nov 2016, 12:37

Stephen. As stated in the news item, the resolution included there was passed by the Town Council in September and is not itself open to amendment for 6 months. However, this resolution does not dictate the details of any parish poll. The council resolution starts with the words "Subject to a public consultation and approval by parishioners" and the public meeting and parish poll lie at the heart of this consultation. They provide important evidence for acquiring loan sanction from the DCLG.

It will be for the parish meeting on Wednesday 16th November to call for a parish poll and to set the question or questions to be asked in the poll. A resolution to effect this should be proposed and is open to amendment at the meeting prior to being put to a vote of electors present at the meeting. To clarify, I have set out below a quick guide to the rules and regulations of parish polls:
1. Only a parish meeting can call for a Parish Poll
2. A vote takes place at this meeting and if 10 electors or a third of electors present demand a poll (whichever is fewer) a poll shall be held
3. Other people can attend a meeting to call for a Parish Poll but only electors for the town/parish can speak and vote on a question
4. The Chairman should ensure that any question put for a poll should have a YES or NO answer
5. Once the wording of the question(s) has been agreed at the meeting it cannot be changed even if on reflection it doesn't make sense!
6. The District Council should receive a written request for a poll from the Clerk or Chairman of the meeting following the meeting. This notification will include the agreed wording of the poll question(s).
7. The poll must be held between 14 and 25 days from the poll being called
8. The District Council will publish a Notice of Poll
9. The hours of the poll are 4pm to 9pm at the normal polling station for the town/village
10. There are no poll cards, postal or proxy votes
11. The count will be done immediately after the poll
12. The cost of the poll is borne by the town/parish
13. The poll is advisory and the Town/Parish Council does not have to take notice of the result

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