Tue 18 Oct 2016, 19:29 (last edited on Tue 18 Oct 2016, 19:35)
I would just like to reassure everyone that the Neighbourhood Forum is well aware of all the issues and objections raised in this post As Lucy has said the task of analysis over 1500 responses from over 150 questions is now well underway and the Forum will hold a public meeting to present the results once they have been analysed and checked On the point of development the working party on the neighbourhood plan of which I am a member is looking in detail at this. In Planning there are two important documents - the WODC Local Plan and for us the Neighbourhood Plan The policy of the AONB is also of importance and as I am also on the Board of the AONB I can ensure this is well represented in any planning application. The local plan had to be resubmitted but is shortly going to be made available for comments. Our Neighbourhood Plan must agree with its principles but can have a more local focus and I believe this can be done. What we need to have is a firm evidence base to draft our plan and the response to the survey as well as residents views expressed here form an essential part of this - so please keep them coming We have an excellent team with a wide range of expertise and are well aware of all these issues but need to make sure that local housing requirement is balanced with appropriate developments. Again I think this can be done and when we have a draft it will be open to public consultation. As you may guess this procedure will take time but there are several cases where an emerging neighbourhood plan has been given a lot of weight in deciding on approval for planning applications so there is no reason why this could not be the case here. Our sub-committee are happy to receive any comments and I can pass them on. Progress will be reported on this Website as well as on the notice boards at the Coop The 'other half' of the Neighbourhood Forum the Community Led Plan, will also address more general issues following the publication of the Survey results and will also be looking for comments and input