Charlbury Station parking charges

Trevor Taylor

Mon 10 Oct 2016, 15:16 (last edited on Mon 10 Oct 2016, 15:18)

I have heard back from Mark Hopwood, the MD of GWR, following a letter I wrote asking for clarification on a number of issues relating to parking at Charlbury Station.

Who 'owns' the Charlbury station car park?
It is owned by Network Rail but GWR assume operational control through the station lease which is integral to their franchise. It is GWR who set the terms and conditions. They in turn sub-contract the running of the car park to Apcoa " the Operations Management Company". Apcoa work on the behalf of GWR not Network Rail.

Drop-off and Pick-up Times.
This is confirmed at 20 minutes before a charge is made or a fine impose. As a result of lobbying and media coverage notices to that effect have now been put up at the station. Any space may be used for pick-up or drop-off.

Parking and late running services.
GWR says Apcoa is instructed to apply discretion when a driver incurs a penalty through a late running service. If you are 'caught' by a late running service then GWR advise appealing online at

It is clear this simple action has failed in the past and a number of Charlbury passengers have experienced problems in getting fines incurred as a result of late running services cancelled. I would be keen to hear of anyone who is still experiencing problems with this.

GWR confirm they are exploring ways in which details of late running services are automatically communicated to Apcoa so that motorists caught out by delayed trains are not penalized. At the moment no such mechanism exists and because of a lack of protocol some Charlbury passengers are being penalized.

Taxis and parking fines.
I am told that if licensed taxi drivers now register with APCOA they will not be charged for parking or incur fines. So, if you are a local licensed taxi driver register with APCOA and you'll then stop getting parking tickets or fines.

Drop off and pick up bays
As a result of discussions on this forum and media coverage two bays have now been dedicated for use as drop off and pick up bays. If these are occupied then drivers can use "any space' to park while waiting for passengers.

It is clear that the coverage this issue has received, and the sheer numbers contributing here, has meant GWR is aware of our concerns and is taking some action. We wait to see if the action being taken is adequate but it's a start.

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