Thu 1 Oct 2015, 09:43
You are right Hamish - any plan must involve projected numbers for both population and dwelling numbers. Although difficult to predict, Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum should make an assessment of likely demand based on best available evidence. We do know that the Charlbury-Burford sub-area may include 800 new houses to be completed between the period of 2011-2031 as proposed in the West Oxfordshire District Council's draft local plan [please see https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/draftlocalplan for more details]. The Neighbourhood Forum with the support of Charlbury Town Council continue to gather evidence from a variety of existing sources such as the Office of National Statistics and WODC. A key task of the Forum is to develop a robust understanding of the perceived needs and aspirations of the population of Charlbury going into the future. The last time this was attempted was 1997. To this end, the following activities have been undertaken: 1 - The Forum has held a number of very informative workshops in Charlbury, thanks to all those who attended. 2 ?" The Forum has developed an interactive map of Charlbury on it's website - www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk - please give it a try. 3 - A map of Charlbury has been placed in the Corner House, where people are invited to put forward their own ideas. 3 ?" A questionnaire about housing needs and service provision for the existing population of Charlbury will be distributed to all households in Charlbury in the next couple of months. If you would like to get involved please email: info@charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk 4 - The Neighbourhood Forum will distil the information gathered and present it to the public for comment and feedback. The Neighbourhood Forum is aware that Charlbury may well be targeted for additional development to meet future housing demand from Oxford, and across the region. https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/media/884536/Analysis-of-West-Oxon-housing-requirement-June-2014.pdf All assistance will be gratefully received. Please do not hesitate to get in contact.