Ann Harper |
Fri 3 Apr 2015, 14:24 I congratulate the Rushy Bank Partnership on their choice of PR consultants; they have done a brilliant job. No mention of the fact that the development is in the Green Belt and in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. However, we are told by the developer that this is a "proposal by local people for local people". Really? I've seen very little evidence that there is a clamour locally for the 10% of affordable homes (whatever the definition of 'affordable' is) or even unaffordable ones. The truth is that this is a huge development. It would be a small satellite village; a commercial project built for profit. Shall we call it 'Little Charlbury'? The site would put further pressure on Town parking as I can't think many residents would walk up that hill. The Town already has a problem with station parkers - those who genuinely can't find space at the station and those who want to avoid paying and leave their cars sometimes for up to a week in the Town. And when the new Community Centre and Sports Hall is opened .... The proposed site would cause heavy light pollution and the road 'improvements' would urbanise the area and make further development more likely. The RBP claim that the site is no further from the Town centre than Ticknell Piece. So? Charlbury grew organically up the escarpment over many decades. If you want to see how big the proposed site is superimpose the scale map from the Friends of Evenload Valley leaflet over the centre of Charlbury. I'm, of course, sympathetic to the Young Dementia Facility and have suggested to the Director the several redundant buildings in Chipping Norton (I'm really not being nimbishish here)for instance the old hospital which would have easy access to the centre and activities such as the theatre. I was told that they had to have a Greenfield site and in Charlbury. Why? The view as you enter Charlbury on the Burford Road never ceases to delight me and the view from Charlbury is inspiring. These views are available to Charlburians and visitors alike and we are the custodians for future generations. We should protect them.