Rod Evans |
Wed 1 Apr 2015, 21:06 (last edited on Wed 1 Apr 2015, 22:43) As per my last post, the Friends of the Evenlode Valley group has sent a detailed planning assessment to wodc (am being censored here for too many capitals - I do my best not to shout! Except maybe when caught at third slip...). Below are the conclusions it reaches. The full version can be seen here: The conclusions are: 14.2 Creating a new 'satellite' housing estate well outside the town, with the associated urbanising impact on the countryside and the AONB is not the right way to meet the Applicants' needs nor have they presented a convincing case that a scheme on this scale is necessary to provide for them. The present scheme conflicts with a range of development plan policies, both adopted and emerging, as well with national guidance. To allow it would only offer encouragement for other more or less harmful schemes to come forward which it would then be more difficult to resist. Given the long standing wodc assessments of the quality and sensitivity of the surrounding landscape, and that their preferred mechanism for exploring options for growth in the area will now be available, we maintain that the scales are firmly weighted against this proposal. We therefore respectfully, if somewhat reluctantly, ask that it be refused.