Thu 29 Jan 2015, 21:13
I like many others am opposed to the proposal to change the use of The Bull to housing. Myself, family and friends supported The Bull for many years before and since the current owners arrived. We attended the Wednesday evening pub quiz pretty much every week from before 2008 right up until they stopped last year, including two recent special fund raising quizzes for the owners son. We have had many, many meals there over the years, always trying to eat locally rather than taking our business out of Charlbury. Under the current owners we've had family dinners there and also relatives staying in the rooms. We probably also went to the Bull for a drink on a Saturday evening at least once and sometimes twice a month All in all I feel very qualified and justified to say 'I used The Bull'. After all this support I now feel very disappointed and betrayed to see the owners going for an easy exit route to the expense of good loyal customers. How can I now go back into The Bull to continue that support when I can see it really has meant nothing. I have seen previous owners of The Bull making it a very busy and popular place to be. I will assume that these busy times equalled business success.I believe that The Bull can be a profitable business, it has right mix of attractive buildings, kitchen, accommodation etc. The current owners should not look at local customers saying you should support us but perhaps they should look at themselves and think about what they can give back to customers to make them keep coming back to The Bull. Isn't that standard practice in repeat business?. Romaine talks about marketing and I agree a business surely can't sit back and rely on local business alone to make it a success it must pull in other customers from outside the town, those people that currently are going to other nearby villages and towns. I do hope that we do not lose this valuable asset that sits in the very heart of Charlbury and look forward to seeing it thriving once more.