Power to the (young) people

charlie clews

Thu 29 Jan 2015, 18:02

Following the fantastic news regarding the imminent arrival of the new community centre and sport hall I'm really concerned that we may miss a huge opportunity to harness the creativity, enthusiasm and sheer energy that the Charlbury youth can bring to the table.

In short I'm keen to help to establish a youth group which help to develop and eventually be based in the new community centre.

As the building is not yet designed there's also a huge opportunity for this group to inform/ steer parts of the design of the new facility. The youth should be one of, if not the key user group for this facility but through no fault of the Gifford Trust (G.T.), who have done huge amounts of really valuable consultation already, they are largely unrepresented in the process. Unless your Simon Cowell it's very difficult to manufacture a group like this, it has to be given a push, to evolve and hopefully develop into a self perpetuating force which becomes a really active part of the community.

Needless to say to ignite this they need help. My thought is to organise a youth disco night, with a DJ, Band, Gaming competitions and who knows what else, at 36 I'm a dinosaur, I need help!!!

This could be a regular thing or complete disaster, but if we they have fun and realise they can do this or other activities in the new facility then it's got to be worth it. It may also mean they can tailor the building to accommodate this, or climbing, or car modelling, or crazy golf, or slug racing, or wood whittling. . .. . . whatever!

If this group want it the G.T. can and will try as best they can to fund and incorporate it.
They need help though and a youth group has the potential to create something amazing if they want it, let's not let them pass up on this opportunity.

Initially I'd really like to form a motley crew of parents, teachers, students or whoever could help to think this through and develop the idea. Let's have an initial meeting to talk around the subject and bounce ideas around, an evening might be the best way forward, surely you can manage that. . .. .

Give me a shout if you up for a challenge.

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