Fri 16 May 2014, 19:07
That's hard Kat - I've been bitten a few times and it's really grim! I know when there was a German researcher looking at them about 10 years ago she said that they had sprayed them on the Cherwell because their bite could be fatal to cattle, and I've tried asking Wodc if anything can be done, but they didn't seem overly concerned. THey didn't have any data on local bitings, and said to ask the doctors.. I think that it would be helpful if everyone who is bitten could report it as it's the only way that any action will ever be taken. I've attached the correspondence from Andrew Ward of Wodc (2012): "I contacted Defra / EA and Hpa as follows and the responses are appended below: Blandford (Black ) Fly: Environmental Health Enquiry: If bites from above are treated at a GP surgery are records of instances reported to and collated by EA, Defra, Hpa or other body ? Area bounding River Cherwell has been a concern in the past and I have received current concerns regarding River Evenlode in vicinity of Charlbury, Oxon. Stats of recorded occurances may support action for a spraying programme if significant enough. I am led to believe that GPs in Charlbury may have had a recent peak in treating these bites which have persistent after effects. Hpa replied: I have discussed this with one of our scientists, unfortunately the Hpa does not do routine surveillance about these bites, you may want to try contacting Defra or Ahvla, who may be able to provide some assistance. Hpa Enquiries Health Protection Agency Defra / EA replied: I have spoken to our local Conservation and Ecology which covers the Charlbury area. Blandford black flies have been noted in appearance around the mentioned areas. The recent climate has brought the flies to the majority of the Thames. There are no recommended precautions at present, although we recommend individuals to use inspect repellent or to cover up. I trust that this information is helpful. Ref 120612/RM25 Customer Service Advisor, Nccc - Sheffield, Part of National Operations Environment Agency 03708 506 506 www.environment-agency.gov.uk EA also advised (by phone): EA would only be involved should a permit be required to authorise (another agency) to use cotrol substances in proximity of a water course. (NB - I couldn't post this with the defra and wodc acronyms in upper case because the forum moderator thinks I'm shouting!)