Antiques Roadshow this Saturday

John Partington

Sun 20 Nov 2022, 23:29

A big thank you to everyone who helped make Saturday's roadshow such a success.  About £300 was raised on the day, with at least as much again to follow in donated commission etc;  and, equally importantly, it was a very happy social occasion.

John Partington

Thu 17 Nov 2022, 11:02 (last edited on Fri 18 Nov 2022, 17:26)

As you'll have seen from the Events page and elsewhere, Nicholas Granger and some of his team from local auctioneers British Bespoke Auctions are holding a valuation event this Saturday in aid of St Mary's Church.

There won't be a physical queue of people having item(s) valued;  instead you'll be given a numbered ticket on arrival so that you can wait (if necessary) in comfort, with a cup of tea and perhaps browsing the selection of local books for sale.

If you have items that are too large or unwieldy to bring, Nicholas will be in Charlbury after the roadshow finishes and may be able to visit you at home (for the same £5 charge for church funds), or alternatively we can arrange another date & time.  Please contact me on 07555 608780 to make arrangements.

(I act as a local agent for the auction company, and while my own expertise is in philately, I can also offer general advice about the sale of any items, and arrange for professional valuation of items that you hope to sell.  While of course most people are selling on their own account, if you do wish to donate 50% or more of the proceeds to St Mary's - this Saturday or at any other time - the auction company will be happy to waive all your commission charges.)

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