Check your energy bill - could be very inflated!

Catherine Kimmance

Sun 11 Jun 2023, 08:43

I would recommend SO Energy - switchable smart meter too. 

Julia Webb

Sun 11 Jun 2023, 08:39

Thanks Christine. I have emailed you. 

Christine Battersby

Sun 11 Jun 2023, 07:00

Julia, I have sent you an email. 

Julia Webb

Sat 10 Jun 2023, 21:44

I would like to change to Octopus. Christine would you be able to send a link so we can both receive a discount? 

Jan Going

Mon 28 Nov 2022, 08:44

I changed to Octopus over a year ago and am very pleased.  Easy to read bills and their website is very informative.  They also answer any queries or emails promptly.

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Sun 27 Nov 2022, 17:33

To say that I joined Octopus last week, thanks all.

Now the gov has seen the problem as well

I tried taking them to trading standards last week, but hey you can no longer contact them, you have to go Citizens Advice Bureau. Nice people but staffed by extremely risk averse volunteers.

Jody O'Reilly
👍 1

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 19:44

We’ve been happy octopus customers for about six years now, also happy with their 100% renewable offer for electricity. Have recently their smart meter installed but we definitely held off until they guaranteed a SMET 2 (is that the term) tech one which should allow smart transfer should we shift supplier. Have yet to hear how it will work this winter for the use less/get payback but am keen to try. 

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 15:49

Many thanks Christine, I managed to get a quote from Octopus by calling them which I will probably accept because I have completely lost my trust in Eon.

Although at first the person quoted a cost that was 70% higher than the EPG. I understand call centre people are perhaps not paid that much, but come on...

Chris Tatton
👍 4

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 10:55

I can recommend Ecotricity as a renewable energy provider, we have been with them since 2007, and they have installed smart meters for us. 

Apart from AI putting up our estimates when in credit when paying by direct debit, easily rectified by paying monthly by bank transfer, they have been excellent over 15 years. 

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 10:17 (last edited on Thu 3 Nov 2022, 10:28)

Hans, see if this way in gives the same blanket response:


If that fails, the Guardian said back in September: "Some companies, such as Octopus Energy, have been allowing new customers to sign up. Although the firm also declines requests for online quotes and advises customers to stick with their existing supplier, it does in the small print provide a number for those who still require a quote."

The telephone number provided in the small print is 08081693274. You need your current energy prices to hand. Lines are said to be open 9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am - 4pm on Friday

Hans Eriksson

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 09:54

Octopus are not accepting new customers atm.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 09:48

Why not consider changing energy suppliers, Valerie and Hans? Energy suppliers are certainly not all the same.

I changed from Eon over two years ago because of their absolutely appalling customer service, and have been with Octopus ever since. I've never had a problem contacting them, changing tariff or adjusting my direct debit -- although I have found that a change in the amount of monthly payments can sometimes be slightly delayed. Their call centres are in the UK, one in Leicester, and are open 9 - 5 Mon. - Fri. An email response is promised within 24 hours. I usually contact them by email, but have also phoned them on occasion.

They seem never to have a financial penalty for moving out of their fixed tariffs. Also, their online dashboard, setting out the detail of the bills and their calculations is really easy to understand, as is their commitment to only providing energy from renewable sources.

I don't have an Octopus Smart Meter and would welcome feedback from those who have had these fitted by Octopus recently. Since there are anticipated refunds for those using electricity outside peak hours this winter, it would make sense to consider a change. However, I don't want to change anything about the fixed tariff that I am currently on (one that lasts beyond April), so have postponed the decision about a Smart Meter for the time being. 

Octopus seems to have a good record as a green energy supplier and builder of green infrastructure in the UK, as well as now also in Germany, with a presence also in the USA, Japan, Spain, Italy, France and New Zealand. I don't have shares in Octopus, but I think Valerie's warning about avoiding investing in any energy companies is rather misplaced.

NB if you do decide to change to Octopus as an energy supplier, ask somebody you know who is an Octopus customer for a referral link, since signing up through a link supplied by a friend gives each party £50 credit.

Charlie M

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 09:46

To Hans - please keep us informed. Their behaviour is outrageous.

To Valerie - the best "implosion" that I can envisage is renationalisation without compensation to the shareholders. We owned the utility companies anyway! 

Valerie Stewart

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 09:40

Yes, please keep me in the loop.  And I'll do the same for you.  Good luck.

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Thu 3 Nov 2022, 09:03

Hello Valerie

It is very obvious what happened to me, and probably many others including you.

EON Next had charged me for 11 months on the variable scheme, where they ask for a meter reading which I give them, and then they charge me for what I have used using direct debit. Then unbeknownst to me and without my permission they decided to change me to a fixed scheme and slap me with a big bill with a fictitious usage that was 4 times higher than my actual usage - which they knew about anyway because I had given them a meter reading the day before. This is fraudulent. It also appears I am not alone in being treated this way.

I will not hesitate using all measures here - trading standards, small claims court and Ofgem. They nor any other energy supplier will not get away with doing this to anyone else ever again. I can keep you informed if you wish. Many thanks for commenting.

Valerie Stewart

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 23:26

Hello Hans,

Also they don't do refunds and they tell porkies.  Their 'complaints manager' told me that they could not refund the amount they overcharged me and said that I should try getting it from my bank.  It seems that you've cottoned on to the need to keep records of everything that passes between you; also check your spam filter because they've been known to send emails from an address that registers as spam and doesn't accept replies.   

One potentially useful thing, though: it's obvious that the people who respond to customer emails have close to zero comprehension skills (they may be using overseas call centres) and when they don't understand something you say they simply pass over it unseeing.  So you could probably inform them that you're going to invoice them for every hour you waste on their business, and they won't notice. 

I think that most or all the energy companies are heading for an almighty implosion.  The present situation is much too complex for their systems to cope, and their people aren't up to the requirement to understand when they're in situations for which they don't have systems.  Don't buy shares.   

Hans Eriksson

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 20:24

Thanks Valerie for you comment. Yes I am unimpressed by the extreme. I email them whatsapp them call them, and have to wait for an hour for someone to pick up the phone. WTF on my time? So I did get to speak to an Eon next person. Who said he had cancelled the direct debit. But when checking with my bank he had not. Then we I asked to have my monies back he claimed he could not do that, the charge had progressed too far in to their systems, and the only way was a claw back from my bank Barclays. Which I did, but guess what they hold on to the monies for 3 days earning interest. Luckily I am on the ball and have all sorts of apps and other tools to see what is going on in my bank account. But others especially elderly may not have that. Yes my fault to agree to direct debit on the energy bill. But we have that on lots of other things. Every day you learn new things. 

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 18:41 (last edited on Wed 2 Nov 2022, 18:42)

Hello Hans,

Eon Next tried to take huge sums of money from me - eg £800 for a one-bedroom flat.  So I refused and we've been having a ding dong ever since.  They're bottom of nearly every league table for accuracy and for satisfaction; their Trustpilot reviews are dreadful; interminable waits to answer any form of communication.  All the energy companies are having a hard time, but they're especially dreadful.  

Their agents are empowered/encouraged to send flowers to upset customers - they sent me two lots in six weeks, which made me think I was being stalked.  They use social media-speak when they do answer, which makes me feel that they're not taking things seriously.  

You wanted to know if you have company - I am that soldier. 

Charlie M
👍 1

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 17:14 (last edited on Wed 2 Nov 2022, 17:17)

I have never paid by direct debit, and hearing these (and many other) horror stories convinces me that I am doing right. Frankly, the way that these utility companies *milk* their customers' accounts amounts to abuse, to me at least.

When we get a government worthy of the name, I would suggest a new law that requires utility companies to refund any customer monies in excess of - say - £100, unless a different amount is agreed with the customer. 

K Harper

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 16:56 (last edited on Thu 3 Nov 2022, 09:56)

I use Utility Warehouse for my electric, gas, (and home phone, broadband, mobile and home insurance) I supply meter readings on the last day of each month and about 2/3 weeks I get a bill for my previous months usage which is paid by variable d/d.  My money stays in my a account under my control.  Maybe worth looking into using them? Kris

NB if you do decide to change to UW, ask somebody who is already a UW customer for a referral link.

Chris Tatton
👍 2

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 15:38

I was finding that our renewable energy provider, was putting up our direct debit sometimes despite us being in increasing credit to the company. So we cancelled our direct debit. They now bill us monthly and we pay by bank transfer the next day. 

Hans Eriksson

Wed 2 Nov 2022, 13:32

I was put on Eonnext a year ago when my then energy supplier went belly up. I have been on a variable scheme for 11 months, where I read the meters and give them meter readings. For October my charge should be about £ 120, but they took £ 570 ! from my bank account. When asking why they could not explain it, but they said I have been put on a fixed amount based on earlier usage. (We have done a lot of changes to the house and usage so our energy usage has been halved or even less so previous consumption is rather meaningless in our case.)

Are they moving a lot of people this way so that they can collect a lot of money until people notice? Quite possibly. I suggest you comment here so I can get an idea how widespread this fraudulent behaviour is

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