
Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 8 Jul 2009, 01:25

(moved from Riverside thread)

Christine Battersby

Tue 30 Jun 2009, 15:24

Sorry that this went under Riverside. I was trying to be helpful, by pointing out the lack of links between vandalism in the Ditchley Rd area & the Riverside Festival. It was a follow on from Kat Patrick's post.

I carefully did not give names or say anything that might identify the individuals involved, but much distress was caused to the family targeted (whoever might or might not have been responsible). There's obviously a long history that explains the 'OTT' response; but I agree that this does not belong under this heading (or anywhere on this forum). Because of this history, the police did take the incident seriously enough to ask several people (including me) for a statement.

Alan Sinclair

Mon 29 Jun 2009, 16:07

I would like to point out the police helicopter was not called to this incident, but had been over at Chipping Norton and was returning to base at the same time the call went into the police about the vandalism in the Ditchley Rd.

The two boy’s taken away by the police were not charged with any crime and were hardly even questioned before being released; I know this for a fact as one of them was released into my care…..

To many people jump to the wrong conclusion before checking the facts, just because you have had a reputation in the past and happen to be visiting the area does not necessarily mean your involved.

I would also like to point out the from what I could hear from my house a few hundred meters away the man over reacted, two run at two boys shouting at the top of your voice in only your underwear seems a bit OTT…….

And why is this posted under Riverside Festival Posts????

Christine Battersby

Mon 29 Jun 2009, 11:18

There was also vandalism in the Ditchley Rd area on Sunday 28/6, and a police helicopter was called. Those involved were caught, I understand, and they seem also to be local lads. So this, at least, seems to be certainly unconnected with the Riverside festival.

Kat Patrick

Sun 28 Jun 2009, 23:29

Sorry to post here about vandalism since, as someone said, I'm not intending to associate some silly behaviour with the Riverside festival, but I want to put one thing right: there was police presence in Charlbury on Friday night, responding to the call re: fire in the dustbin near the Co-op, and then later, to some criminal mischief in the Ditchley Road area. They seemed to be locals, and as it was Friday night, I'm not sure there's any connection with the Festival's weekend other than coincidental. It just so happened that a lot of youth finished taking exams on the Friday, and I wondered if that had something to do with the misdemeanors.


Sat 27 Jun 2009, 19:05

i think most off the problems on nine acres was because alot of youths got turned away as they had alcohol with them.
and then the bar closed at 8pm so everyone left to go else where.
thats why they all went to the co op and then onto nine acres.

Roger Short

Sat 27 Jun 2009, 05:36

Sorry Dave ,my mis-understanding of what you were saying .Now fully understanding why you had a word , i fully agree with what you did and why as sometimes this is the best way of helping 'some' to see the error of their ways.
From where we live we see and hear so much that goes on at the Nineacres field ,and it does need someone i feel to take a more active role in dealing with this problem especially late at night when some nights the residents must get very little sleep.
Anyway please accept my apologies for my mis-understanding .


Fri 26 Jun 2009, 23:47

Hi Roger. I was commenting with respect to Nicks suggestion that the vandalism occured Friday night, I am not aware of the issues surrounding at Nineacres on Saturday night. If you feel that my "having a word" with the individuals involved is going to be detrimental to either The Riverside Festival or any other community organisation, then I will refrain. All I ask is that you take this up in a manner that will provide an equally positive outcome. The last time we had negative actions from local scrotes we had a "word" = this was when the toilets were thrown into the River. They have been nice as pie since. I must highlight I am not, or we did not, instigate any threats - we just let them know we knew it was them and we knew exactly what they were up to. This was all it required. I welcome a better suggestion.

Roger Short

Fri 26 Jun 2009, 05:09

Derek ,far from wanting to besmirch the riversides reputation which i don't feel that i have done, the fact is that there was a lot of young people around Charlbury over the weekend that would not have been here if the riverside had not been on .Having said that it is one persons supposition that (it must have been someone trying to find somewhere to sleep when riverside was on) and then one person threatening to have a word with the little scrotes as he put that will cause trouble for the riverside by giving the opposition to riverside ammunition to say (well if it was not happening ).
Thats all i am saying Derek and i apologise if it sounded anything but .

Derek Collett

Thu 25 Jun 2009, 21:49

Roger: whilst I think you are right to raise this issue, perhaps your postings (and my earlier one) should be moved to a new thread called something like "Trouble on Nine Acres" to avoid tainting the Riverside Festival by association.

Roger Short

Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:11

Dave it amazes me how you blame local people for damage to a hut and tennis courts .Had you have seen the numbers on the field you would have to be pretty sure on who was doing what .
The way to look at this surely is to say that the festival was great,which it was ,some mindless individuals caused a problem on the Nineacres and not for the first time it must be said and leave it at that ,as trying to apportion blame only leads to the people you accuse saying right if that how you want to play it then we will show you.
As far as i see it no one has blamed the organisers of the riverside for any damage caused to the hut or courts .


Thu 25 Jun 2009, 08:18

Hi Nick.

I agree with your thoughts and thanks for your support. I am convinced this damage was caused by our own residential idots. I suspect The same group of lads that I saw leaving nine acres/ co-op area following a fire in the co-op rubbish bin, around midnight on Friday, as we were returning to the fire station. After all the effort we have all put in to this years event,it is really disheartening to see a fantastic event such as Riverside immediately receive blame for any wrong doing in the town. I hope any of our hardened critics of the festival will see sense and grant us innocence til proven guilty. I shall be having a few words with those scrotes involved....

Dave Evans

Roger Short

Tue 23 Jun 2009, 20:20

Pity that wigwell does not get the same reports done .

Roger Short

Tue 23 Jun 2009, 18:08

Derek thanks for that ,it gratifying to know that despite my lack of concentration that thames valleys finest are looking out for us .
I do appreciate that there are never enough officers on the streets to cover all eventualities ,despite how hard they work but when these occasions are well advertised beforehand ,i would have thought some extra patrols could be arranged as with cornbury and blenheim events.

Derek Collett

Tue 23 Jun 2009, 16:09

Roger: I saw a police car emerging from Mill Lane onto Dyers Hill at about 9.15 pm on Saturday so there was some police presence in Charlbury over the weekend. Obviously not enough...

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