Dog Poo in Ditchley Road

Wendy Bailey
👍 3

Fri 7 Oct 2022, 17:05

Why can't people take their rubbish home? That includes dog poo bags......

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Fri 7 Oct 2022, 12:03 (last edited on Fri 7 Oct 2022, 12:06)

All those bins are disgusting. The one right by the Co-op in particular, and those by people’s houses, are unacceptable.

Gareth Epps
👍 6

Wed 5 Oct 2022, 17:25

Christine - as I said, the ousted WODC administration both increased charges to town/parish councils for bin emptying (to the tune of several thousand pounds) and removed a large number of bins, in all sorts of locations.

Personally, I don’t think we should all be paying for irresponsible dog owners’ mess.

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Wed 5 Oct 2022, 14:07

Absolutely right Russell.

I have a rubbish/dog poo bin right outside my property.  Not pleasant in summer. Horrid to open the windows. 

But I suppose a bit better than it was when I first moved here 10 years ago and there was no such thing, so people just chucked it into my garden.  So I crawled about picking it up, bagging it, and disposing of it.

I think that some people in Charlbury need a lesson or two, in how to be considerate neighbours.

Russell Ingham
👍 5

Wed 5 Oct 2022, 11:33

Christine is right; whilst WODC's rationalisation policy may be justified on cost grounds its implementation has been botched. WODC tell me that bins by bus stops and bins close together (150m?) for example have been outlawed. However, transgressions exist: Coop v Playing Close, 5 Ways v Sturt Rd and the bus stop in Church St v the Rose & Crown. Surely one or more of these could be moved to cover the "poop" spots that have appeared all without increasing the existing costs?

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Wed 5 Oct 2022, 10:02

Gareth's post mentioning the cost of collecting non-highway bins seems rather a red herring as far as Ditchley Rd is concerned. It is, after all, a highway -- unless "highway" has some kind of obscure definition in this context.

Quarry Lane is probably not a highway; but the two dog-walking routes are not the same, and one bin for both routes does not do the same job. Cars (many probably from out of town) park in Ditchley Rd, with the evident purpose to allow the driver and any accompanying passengers to set off on a walk or run, often with dogs as well. 

I do think the new regime of WODC should revisit the question of where bins (dog bins, but also including general rubbish bins) are sited. And, in response to Wendy's observation, clearly dog walkers should do the cheapest thing and take their poo bags home, and most do this. But not all! Also, not everyone has their dog on a lead as they walk back into town.

Wendy Bailey
👍 4

Wed 5 Oct 2022, 08:09 (last edited on Wed 5 Oct 2022, 08:10)

Why can't dog walkers do the cheapest thing and take their poo bags home, saving the expense of replacing bins?  

I always took them home and put them in my own bin when I had my dog.

Alex Michaels
👍 1

Tue 4 Oct 2022, 23:14

Gareth, what cost per non-highway bin are we talking of here? Public health doesn't come for free.

Rosemary Bennett
👍 3

Tue 4 Oct 2022, 20:19

Here we go again 💩🙉💩🙉💩

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Tue 4 Oct 2022, 16:22

West Oxfordshire District Council under the old regime removed a large number of bins, often without warning.  They have also increased charges to the Town Council for any bins off the highway (a form of double taxation).

If there is a regular pattern of dog fouling, WODC still has enforcement powers, and any intelligence that might encourage them to be used would be very welcome.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Tue 4 Oct 2022, 13:50

James, I'm not a dog owner, but I don't think Quarry Lane is where most people walk with their dogs. Some go that way, but I doubt the majority do.

The earlier bin was sited between the entrance to Chartwell Drive and The Green and the  bottom end of Ditchley Rd. Dogwalkers cutting though to Hundley Way via the alleyways are likely to take this route.

Also walking up the Ditchley Rd to the entrance to Ditchley Park on the tarmacked road (as many dogwalkers do), I spotted not a single dog-poo bin. Perhaps one is there, but I failed to see it.

James Styring

Tue 4 Oct 2022, 13:23

Christine, there is a bin 20m up Quarry Lane where the locked entrance to the quarry is. 

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Tue 4 Oct 2022, 12:39

On several occasions in the few weeks I have needed to remove a pile of dog dirt either from the pavement on the lower reaches of Ditchley Rd, or from a nearby driveway. This used always to happen from time to time, but recently it has become a much more frequent occurrence.

I know that the Council has (very annoyingly) removed the well-used bin for dog dirt that had been newly sited in Ditchley Rd (why? and why leave the now damaged plastic base of the bin behind?), but that is no excuse.

If you walk your dog along Ditchley Rd or allow your dog to roam free there, please take responsibility for its output (to use a polite term). My rubbish bin was collected only this morning, and is once again having to contain somebody else's dog waste. And the same happened the last time that general rubbish was collected, as well as the time before. 

And if you see somebody else's dog squatting with intention on the pavement or driveway, without the necessary pick-up from its owner, please also give them a piece of my mind!

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