post office blues (Debate)

ken jones

Sat 11 Dec 2010, 12:48

same to you and yours john have a good one.

john h

Fri 3 Dec 2010, 23:14

Merry Christmas Dave,and many of them.

ken jones

Thu 2 Dec 2010, 20:22

whats up charlie got nobody to talk to what a shame.

Charlie M

Thu 2 Dec 2010, 17:44

Reading the postings on here, one thing is apparent. There is one rather sad individual who craves attention. It is his heroin! Ignore him and his crass, vulgar, and rude remarks, and he will die away. Talk over his head. Ignore his posts. And then we will get back to the original topic which the attention-seeker has hijacked, and quality will be restored to the discussions.

ken jones

Thu 27 Aug 2009, 20:13

graham if you think you can handle it ? i cant wait.

Roger Short

Sun 16 Aug 2009, 17:55

Graham ,what are you suggesting .

graham W

Sun 16 Aug 2009, 16:33

Now there is an idea for a Street Fair Stall, Bring your own gloves (if none - so what)£1.00 a round!!!!!. Please call me for booking times!!

Dave Oates

Sat 15 Aug 2009, 09:50

Whn you get to Street Fair Ken, look me up. I can't wait to have this discussion face to face

ken jones

Fri 14 Aug 2009, 20:54

whats up quaker cant handle you and your boy friend dont want to play anymore.never mind you were not worthy you wind up the village idiot and his friend to do what you cannot do yourself. shame on you be a man not his trousers.see you at street fair your best mate uncle ken.

Roger Short

Sun 9 Aug 2009, 22:43

Sorry that should read thanks DAVID ,my apologies .

Roger Short

Sun 9 Aug 2009, 22:42

Thankyou ken for the kind word,it is much appreciated as i think Mandy would agree .If at sometime this person wants to debate aspects of Charlbury life past and present i to would like to join that debate ,but i won't hold my breath on that one.

Dave Oates

Sun 9 Aug 2009, 20:52

Roger and Mandy - I wouldn't rise to his small-minded petty ramblings. I have stopped because I was finding it increasingly difficult not to spell out what I really think! However, a little message for "Ken" - if you are ever back in Charlbury (as I am sure you will be as you profess to be such a true Charlbarian), please feel free to look me up. I would be delighted to have a face to face debate with you

Roger Short

Sun 9 Aug 2009, 15:54

Ken ,as far as i am concerned you can post on here until doomsday .Its when you get personal about people without knowing the facts ,thats what bullying is and sharing it with everyone who reads the forum.


Sun 9 Aug 2009, 15:16

So the thing's that you have said on here are not rude or nasty. I think they are. The thing's that you have said about roger and other people is nasty.I was not born in finstock so you got that wrong for a start.We have got a finstock website.I don't bully anyone and never would.And what rick has to do with any of this i dont know.And yes you lived in charlbury but you dont now.

ken jones

Sun 9 Aug 2009, 14:14

mandy i am not rude or nasty it is not in my nature but the truth and roger short seem to think you can bully me in to not posting on this site but i lived in charlbury you were born and bred in finstock so why not start your own finstock web site then you can talk to yourself. if you dont like my posts press the little x next to my name.have a nice day mandy. uncle ken


Fri 7 Aug 2009, 00:41

Or is it that you don't want to read it cos the truth hurts.
and what has ricky got to do with all this.Your just a rude and nasty person hiding behind a false name.

ken jones

Thu 6 Aug 2009, 21:01

mandy i cant read your posts as it seems you have no knowledge of the queens english. so when you learn to spell try say hello to rickey holifield.


Thu 6 Aug 2009, 18:07

yeh i would he was not a person to upset and if you did you knew about it.

Roger Short

Thu 6 Aug 2009, 17:28

Well it would appear mandy that you have scared Ken off as he has not responded to your posting .As i said Sturt close and Hughes close are a part of a town that we can be very proud of .When i was growing up there it was very much a community as i am sure it is now.
Ken really ought to think today before he says to much ,that george may be looking down on him,maybe thats why he has gone to ground .

Alan Sinclair

Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:22

Well said Mandy


Wed 5 Aug 2009, 01:00

I think you are be very rude and nasty there is no need for it.And as for the slums of hughes close my granparents lived there for many years.And i have a very good friend that lives there now.No where is perfect. And my grandad eas a very well respected person who frought in the war.There is no need for the nasty words that come out of your mouth if your such a ture charlbrarien Why are you still not living here at least the people who live in charlbury are doing something about making it a nice place to live. And no i dont live in charlbury.

Roger Short

Sun 2 Aug 2009, 23:07

Well at least i can spell it Ken ,and by the way i have never run off with a younger woman ,i could'nt stand the strain.

ken jones

Sun 2 Aug 2009, 14:56

roger you are full off crap my uncle was a prisoner in palestine he loved it was better than being with his wife.i never run off and left my wife for younger woman. dont lecture me on morality you dont know what it meens.

Roger Short

Sat 1 Aug 2009, 00:17

You ken are not the man i thought you were ,in more sense than one .You seem to think it a joke but men like my father fought a war so that people like you could live in a democratic world and when you behave the way you do it must make surviving veterans wonder why on earth they did what they did.
As for trying to win with you ken ,i will not waste my time any further other than to say where ever you are or go in life ,try and have a good one.goodnight god bless

ken jones

Thu 30 Jul 2009, 19:51

sorry roger i did not realise you were that old.did you escape from the camp or did they throw you out.a bit like being thrown of this web site for spouting crap. remember i am not igor .you can not win with me the best you can do is make a fool of yourself. if you are up to the challenge bring it on. hey ho roger .

Roger Short

Sun 26 Jul 2009, 15:14

Ken ,please tell me when national service meant serving in palestine and Greece and then being interned in a prisoner of war camp for the remainder of the war when caught by the germans.I would relish your explanation .As for Ken Jones living in sturt close there was never a Ken Jones in sturt as well you know ,if you lived there .

ken jones

Fri 24 Jul 2009, 22:06

hey ho roger i am the ayathola of rock and rolla. your parents met on national service after the war the same as my parents did.the only difference between us is you lived in hughes close and i lived in sturt .i know you and all your family so be carefull iam watching and waiting for another slip up.

Roger Short

Sat 4 Jul 2009, 07:22

Ken ,it is people like you that make me sorry for Charlburys present .You say about talking crap as you put it ,well let me say to you that is was my own silly fault for being excluded from the website for a while .Whilst i have learnt from my experience it seems some will never learn.
Be the man you claim to be and come clean about you're own identity as Ken Jones is obviously not your real name,as for living in Hughes close it was as good then as it probably is today ,although there was more room in those days for mischief than there is today.
As for my father not being old enough to serve in the war ,he did indeed serve ,its where he met my mother so it shows how much you know .Lastly i know that by doing this and responding to your posting it will give you chance to come up with some more silly things to say ,but hey ho if it keeps you out of mischief at your age it will be good .see ya ken

ken jones

Fri 3 Jul 2009, 20:29

if i remember from my days in charlbury a certain postman and his wife were to young to fight in the war. living in hughes close the slums of charlbury as is now according to many in should know better roger than to post crap on this web site especially as you were banned from it not so long ago. remember who you are and where you came from if you have forgotten dont worry i will keep reminding you.

Dave Oates

Tue 23 Jun 2009, 16:27

Thanks Roger - it is good to know that the people who live in Charlbury, love Charlbury and support Charlbury all think in the same way.

Roger Short

Sat 20 Jun 2009, 06:33

Well said Graham,its about time this born and bred in Charlbury was put to one side .If it had been the same when our parents fought in the war ,then where would be all be now .
Charlbury and its people who live here have a part to play whatever it be ,this is how Charlbury has such a healthy diverse selection of events.So thankys to ALL who contribute to Charlbury.

graham W

Fri 19 Jun 2009, 22:20

I think you'll find that most (if not all) have and will continue to support Post Office Pete.
But it takes all types to ensure that the town has events be it the Riverside Festival, Beer Fest, May Day Fair, Street Fair etc.... all supported and arranged by outsiders and insiders alike.

ken jones

Fri 12 Jun 2009, 20:39

who do you think you are quaker i have worked and grown up with pete and all his family. just because you organise the riverside festival. it does not make you mister charlbury. pete hiscock and my self are real charlbrariens something you will never go back where you come from and leave charlbury to the real charlbrariens.

Dave Oates

Sun 7 Jun 2009, 18:31

I think you will find that most people have signed the hard-copy version so again, stop sniping from your cave in Wales - it doesn't help!

ken jones

Sun 7 Jun 2009, 14:14

it is a shame that the people of charlbury are not supporting the most honest person in the town.i would trust pete with my life and soul yet a pathetic amount of the community have signed the on line petition. shame on you so called charlbrariens. uncle giro would be turning in his grave.

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