Happy Christmas

Graham Brice
👍 6

Wed 28 Sep 2022, 17:15

Best first words ever came from the Buddha: “As I was saying”.

Charlie M
👍 3

Wed 28 Sep 2022, 16:14

Valerie, many years ago They had a game on the wonderful "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" called "Famous First Words". My favourite was from (I think) the late Tim Brooke-Taylor, who chose as his "subject" the baby Mr McDonald (of McDonald's junk food fame). His first words were:

"HEY!! I just thought of a great use for those dirty nappies!"

Hannen Beith
👍 6

Wed 28 Sep 2022, 08:58

I was in a large Greene King pub in Sheffield on 25 September, breaking a tedious journey back from "up North".  It was bedecked with Christmas decorations, and had, in addition to the standard menu, a Christmas menu, and the staff  were wearing Christmas hats.

And I hadn't had a drink!  But was sorely tempted...

Harriet Baldwin
👍 2

Wed 28 Sep 2022, 07:30

I think this is commented on ever year, usually by people who have money to spare and don't have to budget and think about number of pay days until Christmas.

Valerie Stewart
👍 4

Tue 27 Sep 2022, 23:50

The old New Stateman (in the days of Kingsley Martin, let's meet in the pub for reminiscence) used to be famous for its competitions.  One was introduced by reminding readers that the last words of many famous people had been recorded, but not their first words.  Readers were invited to remedy the deficiency.

Famous first words of the little baby Jesus: 'I feel a right bastard mucking up your Christmas like this.'

Is there a meeting place for elderly radicals? 

Charlie M
👍 2

Tue 27 Sep 2022, 19:48

As far as I am concerned, mince pies are an all-through-the-year treat, and I always put 2-3 boxes of them in the freezer! 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 4

Tue 27 Sep 2022, 19:37

It is September and the Co-op is selling mince pies and Christmas pudding.

(I’m not complaining. It is the season of goodwill after all.)

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