Where is the support for peter our postmaster

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 13 Jun 2009, 08:02

That's not what it says, Charlotte.

ken jones

Fri 12 Jun 2009, 20:50

pete we should have stayed at the radiators good days gone forever.see you soon all the best giro.

Charlotte Penn

Fri 12 Jun 2009, 19:36

So is the Co-op taking over our Charlbury Post office?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 11 Jun 2009, 16:48

Or click here to get there quicker!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 11 Jun 2009, 16:46

I doubt it, Charlotte. The PO franchise is for sale and the premises are leasehold. See here and look through till you find it! It's ref 27232.

Charlotte Penn

Wed 10 Jun 2009, 11:01

I’m really concerned that this was a deliberate ploy to sell off our post office, due to Brown selling off Royal Mail. I believe that it’s best to put our time and energy into supporting the person buying the post office. Finstock’s Post office is a very good example of what can be achieved. I look forward to everyone’s comments. It would be too sad to see our Post office close and agree with Alex. Pete has obviously been treated really badly and I’m relieved that many have showed their support. I wish Pete success in whatever he does. He will be dearly missed.

Derek Collett

Mon 8 Jun 2009, 21:04

Can we now start another petition inviting the P.Off manager responsible for this decision to resign immediately?

Alex Flynn

Sat 6 Jun 2009, 23:28

This is so depressing and yet another indictment of the sad, sad times we live in.

John Larder

Sat 6 Jun 2009, 18:41

It is a long time since I last saw Pete but funnily enough he has been mentioned to me very recently in a message I received from Gordon Clemson this last week. You go for years not hearing about people and suddenly you have contact that brings back many fond memories of people who you have known for many many years and almost forgotten about. Pete Hiscocks I have known for years (also his father due to school connections) and I could not imagine a more honest straight-forward honest person. From what I have read in this thread I can only think that yet again the simple customer service orientated acts are now being missed by computer intransigent logic and those trying to offer a service are suffering because they have a caring attitude.

All the best to you Pete in your stand against stupidity but though you may only have a short while if you do continue to be Postmaster it seems to me a lot of people would like you to re-consider and continue to offer the service they like you for.

According to Gordon the two of you are sad individuals for watching Oxford United's home games and I just as bad for following their scores and results from here in France

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 3 Jun 2009, 11:18

Do still sign! People are still signing the forms here (the bookshop). It's more a statement of support for Pete than a 'petition' and he needs our support as much as ever.

Christine Battersby

Wed 3 Jun 2009, 10:25

It's so very sad that Peter has decided to resign. I was away for the week that the petition was doing the rounds, and so was unable to sign.

There must be many more like me. Is there any point now in signing? Or is there some other way that the community could collectively show how much it appreciates what Peter has done for Charlbury over the years. Efficient, good humoured, always helpful, quite simply the ideal Post Master. What a loss to the town!

Diana Limburg

Wed 3 Jun 2009, 08:41

I think it is very understandable, if he did resign. If my organisation treated me like he's been treated I would need a lot of convincing too to keep on working there. It's absolute disgrace, and as he rightly points out in the Oxford Mail article, a sign of abuse of computerised monitoring and control. The story, the detail, the relationship with customers, the character of the person all need to be part of handling a situation where an administrative error is flagged up by the system (see also the insensitive comment to the story in the Oxford Mail..). An organisation that suspends a longstanding and dedicated employee for a month on the basis of this, has serious management problems. Or just wanted to get rid of him anyway, possibly for not fitting with their ideas about running a postoffice. I wished he'd stay, though, we need people like him!

John Munro

Wed 3 Jun 2009, 08:03

This is truly a sad day if the news in the Oxford Mail is correct and that Peter has actually resigned.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 3 Jun 2009, 07:34

Please see the latest news item on this website.

Chris Tatton

Tue 2 Jun 2009, 12:56

I now have 12 completed and signed petition sheets for Pete at the Post Office. If you have not signed and wish to, please do so over the next few days. If you require more petition sheets please leave a message on our answer machine 810574. If you have any completed petition sheets please deliver to Corner Cottage, Park Street.Many thanks. Chris

Charlie M

Sat 30 May 2009, 21:55

I would also like to urge everyone to sign this petition. I've not logged on for a few days and only found out about Pete's predicament last night. Charlbury Post Office is a perfect example of a finely-run local facility, and judging from the remarks on this forum I think Pete has the vast majority of local support, and rightly so.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 30 May 2009, 00:08

Susie - no problem, I've put a link from the blurb on the front page.

Roger Short

Fri 29 May 2009, 21:00

Jon can i add my thanks for highlighting what this situation is all about .As you say there are people in Charlbury that like to gossip and cast aspertions about people .Pete is and always has been a great person despite supporting Oxford united (well someone has to)and in no way deserves what has been dropped on him.I hope he will take notice of all the people who have wished him well and carry on with what he is so good at ,and thats helping us all in Charlbury and beyond.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 29 May 2009, 20:26

Rich, can you make the online petition more noticeable? I appreciate what Jon is saying that its much better to sign the paper version, however its better to have something signed than nothing!

Terry Walker

Fri 29 May 2009, 20:18

Charlbury would not be the same without Pete in the post office, he has a wonderful generous personality, alway ready to help when he can. Well done Jon for your brilliant support for Pete.

Dave Oates

Fri 29 May 2009, 14:42

Well said Jon - this community needs people like Pete and we should ALL give him our full support.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 29 May 2009, 11:48

If possible, please sign the paper petition, as a signature and an address carry more weight!

Ian Taylor

Fri 29 May 2009, 11:25

Thank you for clarifying what has gone on - I would be uncomfortable signing anything without knowing a single underlying fact.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 29 May 2009, 11:15

You can also sign the petition online at www.petitiononline.com/cbypo/ .

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Fri 29 May 2009, 11:06

Here Here well said Jon

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 29 May 2009, 10:50

I signed the petition immediately it was brought in, and I'd encourage anyone else to do so. Here's why.

Pete phoned me within a day of his suspension to explain what had happened. In a nutshell, he tried to help a customer who had deposited what the customer later realised…

Long post - click to read full text

Roger Short

Fri 29 May 2009, 05:12

David ,the point of this thread is to show support for Pete who not only has possibly been treated possibly unfairly ,but who i have heard is thinking of throwing in the towel because of this incident .Due to this hearsay i thought that the residents of Charlbury ought to give some support and show Pete how valued he is instead of doing nothing and landing up with no post office to use in Charlbury ,when the P.o are trying to close them anyway.

David McCutcheon

Thu 28 May 2009, 21:13

Chris - 3 out of 4 Pubs tonight - must try harder!

I may have missed something here, and have not seen a petition around town to read the wording. So can someone please fill me in - what exactly is the issue?

I know Pete quite well, and despite his misguided support for Oxford United, he seems a jolly good egg.

Why did the Post Office close, and what's the problem with Pete? Is there some unspoken secret, because this thread doesn't add up.

I could just talk to Pete sometime - I have a parcel to post to Germany so need to drop in anyway.

But to save time, can anyone shed some light on what this is all about?

Confused of Charlbury...

Chris Tatton

Wed 27 May 2009, 23:55

I have managed to go to three of the four pubs in Charlbury this evening, plus the football club, to see how the petition is running and they are all very happy and require more sheets for completion.

So please frequent one of our wonderful hostelries over the next few days,sign the petition in support of Pete and have an enjoyable drink at the same time!

I was probably being a bit ambitious in deliverying it to all the shops in Charlbury as well and apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused.

But, hey don't let this distract from our support for Peter!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 27 May 2009, 15:34

There has been concern about the wording of the petition, and at least three shops have withdrawn it. As and when a new petition is available, I'll post the information here. Until then you may not be able to find a copy to sign.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 27 May 2009, 13:27

It should be people who use the Charlbury post office, shouldn't it? It should be obvious, looking down the petition, that that is who has signed it.


Wed 27 May 2009, 11:38

jon what to you class as local people is it only for charlbury people to sign as i know alot of people from other villages that will signit as well.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 27 May 2009, 10:00

As we saw from the petition to keep the Railbus, a lot of the 'signatories' on online petitions are anonymous or pseudonymous, and you can't tell if they are from local people. And some are just stupid or malicious and discredit the petition in the eye of the person or organisation receiving it. If people can, I suggest they sign a 'hard copy' rather than the online version, because it looks better when presented to the recipient.

By the way, who is this petition being given to? It doesn't say on the printed form.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 26 May 2009, 23:57

Yes, certainly. Send me the message with the petition wording and I'll set one up.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 26 May 2009, 22:52

Richard, is there any way we could do this on line as well?

Chris Tatton

Tue 26 May 2009, 21:26

Copies of the petition in support of Peter should be running in the pubs and shops of Charlbury by tomorrow.

Apologies if I have missed anywhere out, please take copies from a nearby business.Please photo-copy if you need further petition sheets.

Hopefully as many customers of Charlbury post-office as possible will sign.


Tue 26 May 2009, 16:05

Peter and the team are always so helpful and friendly. I would also like to mention how supportive Peter is when we have been fund raising for local causes such as Katharine House & Charlbury Cricket Club. He not only helps with floats etc but also donates a nice bottle for a raffle prize - even when he hasn't been asked to!


Mon 25 May 2009, 19:11

i agree with everything that people have put on here pete is a lovely man who is kind and careing to everyone i love going down and chatting with him about football as i support oxford as well and lots of other things.he does a great job at the post office as does his staff i would much rather go down to charlbury post office and pay my bills and car tax and be greated with a smile and a joke than goto witney.

John Munro

Mon 25 May 2009, 11:16

Have to agree entirely with everything evryone else has said about Pete - and to add to the comments, whenever I go into the Post Office and Pete is there, it also gives me an opportunity to talk about lower league and conference football in the guise of AFC Bournemouth (who I support) and Oxford United (who Pete follows everywhere).

Tim (Cotswold Frames)

Mon 25 May 2009, 10:45

Peter, Charlbury needs you, just by reading all these posts people have left you can see what you mean to everyone, besides your to young to retire!
Bring on the petition im more than happy to have a copy in my shop for people to sign.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 25 May 2009, 09:26

I would like to add my support to Peter too. He is very obliging and does all he can to help Street Fair, both before and on the day. Where else would we get that?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 25 May 2009, 08:42

I'm sure all the shops would carry a petition. I certainly would. But the wording is very important if it is to go to the Post Office, hence the importance of consulting Pete on 'the facts of the case'.

On the other hand, perhaps we should also petition Pete to stay. Pete: we don't want you to retire, you're the best postmaster imaginable! (He's not on the internet, but I'm sure his friends are showing him what's on here.) Chris: if you bring me a petition along those lines, I'll start people signing it.

Katie Ewer

Sun 24 May 2009, 19:29

Couldn't agree more. Peter is a great post master and I hope he will continue in the Charlbury Post Office.

Edward Fenton

Sun 24 May 2009, 15:32

I absolutely agree that a trip to the post office in Charlbury never fails to brighten up the day. We're very lucky to have a postmaster like Peter Hiscock - he's invariably helpful, friendly and efficient, and nothing seems to be too much trouble for him and his staff.

Chris Tatton

Sun 24 May 2009, 15:32

I have drawn up a petition, but Peter has asked that I do not start running it until later this week.

Reg James

Sun 24 May 2009, 15:10

I agree with the other posting on this issue. It will be a great loss to Charlbury if Peter leaves the Post Office for any reason. It seems that he has not been treated with "natural justice". A petition is a good idea.

glena chadwick

Sun 24 May 2009, 12:56

I totally agree and would like to add my support for Peter and thanks for all his goodhumoured help in the past. Should there be a petition for people to sign to show they are behind him ? Perhaps one of the other shops would keep it ?

Charlotte Penn

Sun 24 May 2009, 06:43

It’s always such a pleasure to go to the post office, where Pete greets you with a smile and some amusing small talk, which brightens up your day. I really hope that he doesn’t retire.

Daniel Short

Sun 24 May 2009, 00:46

I would like to add my voice to the support of Pete,he is very good to the local businesses by allowing us to change large notes for coins if we run out of change.Many times over the years we would have been lost without him,he deserves the grateful thanks from the people of Charlbury not suspension.I hope the rest of Charlbury will follow us all in supporting Pete for all the good work he has done over the years and the kindness he has shown.

Chris Tatton

Sat 23 May 2009, 20:36

I would also like to support Peter in whatever way I can. I think that he and his staff run a wonderfully friendly and efficient post office. Does anyone have the name and address of the local Post Office Manager, so I can write in support of Peter.
Chris Tatton

Roger Short

Sat 23 May 2009, 19:35

Having read the report about the post office being closed for a time ,may i be the first to ask what will happen if Pete decides to throw in the towel in light of what he has been put through.Although i do not know the reason behind what has happened ,i would like to see a lot more support from Charlbury residents regarding this matter.Pete has always been happy to help everyone in charlbury and to be treated as he has been is nothing short of disgraceful in my opinion.I understand that David Cameron has been to see him ,lets hope for all our sakes that Pete will see fit to carry on the sterling work that he has done since taking over the job of postmaster.

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