Small black cat, white bib & feet, appears in Hanover Close

Valerie Stewart

Sun 25 Sep 2022, 16:53

Thank you, Nicola.   I'm still going to try for a photograph 'cos one of my neighbours has worked up quite a concern, but it seems that the mystery is well on the way to being solved.   And your description helps explain why it's gone for days at a time and then spends hours around here.   Good to know. 

Nicola Morgan
👍 1

Sun 25 Sep 2022, 14:01

This little cat can be seen regularly all around this end of Charlbury.  It comes into my garden (and house) on Woodstock Rd and goes up though Wilkins Court through to The Salde.  It is healthy and very confident.

Valerie Stewart

Sat 24 Sep 2022, 22:26

Our visitor isn't wearing a collar of any kind - thank you for telling me.  I haven't managed to get a photograph yet - s/he prefers my neighbour's ladder, neighbour doesn't have a camera, so has to phone me and I tiptoe around making soothing noises.  When I do get a photograph I'll post it here.  

The proverbial visitor from Mars would have little difficulty determining who's boss in a community of cat lovers.  

michele marietta

Sat 24 Sep 2022, 15:36

Cleo has a pink collar.

Lesley Algar

Fri 23 Sep 2022, 20:16

Maybe try and take a photo and put on the advert section.

Valerie Stewart

Fri 23 Sep 2022, 13:32

The small black cat spent quite some time in Hanover Close this morning - on and off from 0700 to 1230, so I got a much better look at it. It has four white paws, but the front paws don't have as much white as at the back.  There's a tiny smudge of white underneath the nose; a neat white bib, and some more white on the tummy.  Brilliant green eyes; I wasn't able to say whether male or female.  I tried calling her Cleo, as per Miles Walkden's suggestion, but didn't get much reaction.  (I can't find the photo of Cleo, which is annoying).  

It doesn't look uncared-for; I managed several slow blinks exchanged; seems pretty confident around people, climbs the ladders but doesn't try to get through the window.  Can anyone recognise, please?  

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 18 Sep 2022, 19:09

Henry was grey, I saw him at the top of nine acres close when he first got lost but didn't see him again. 

Valerie Stewart

Sun 18 Sep 2022, 17:24

Thank you Sandy - I'll definitely call into the vets on Tuesday.  

(I hadn't lived here for very long when a little black cat climbed into my flat and died in my arms.  Obviously a stray - not a well cat - but I get a lump in my throat every time a strange black cat arrives without identity documents).

Sandy Fairhurst

Sun 18 Sep 2022, 16:05

Doubtless a red herring (as opposed to a black cat) but I noticed posters up the other week searching for lost cat “Henry” who i remember was black. Had either green eyes or a green collar” 

Think hearing he lived on The Green

Valerie Stewart
👍 2

Sun 18 Sep 2022, 13:45

Hello Miles,

I don't think it's Cleo, because unless there's two black cats called Cleo I have a photograph of her (from Michelle Marietta) dating from a few weeks ago when there was another discussion of a wandering black cat.  This one's bib looks to be a good deal smaller, and on the photograph it looks as if the driver's side front foot isn't white.  

But I'll distribute her pictures to all concerned neighbours and if I can get within cooee I'll see whether she responds to Cleo.  If it is, I'll drop you a message.

Have you by any chance read Six Dinner Sid?  The illustrations are wonderful; the story is of a black cat called Sid who lives at six different houses, has six different personalities, gets fed six different kinds of food ... and carries on this lifestyle because the people don't talk to one another.  The message is that when people talk to one another everyone (including Sid) is much happier.  A nice stocking filler for small children and cat lovers everywhere.  

Miles Walkden

Sun 18 Sep 2022, 11:14

Hi Valerie. It’s probably Cleo. She’s quite well known for going into other peoples houses and begging for food. Just kick her out or spray her with a hose pipe if you want to get Reid of her. 

Valerie Stewart

Sat 17 Sep 2022, 21:34

A small black cat has appeared several times recently in Hanover Close; it (can't get close enough to tell) has brilliant green eyes, totally black face, a very neat white bib and four white feet.  It's taken to climbing the cat-ladders, though it hasn't tried to get in, and I can't get close enough to photograph it.  It appears to be used to people generally, although it did swipe when someone tried to pat it; and it seems to be looking for food.  

If someone recognises it, please get in touch through the forum; I'll take this description into the vet as soon as they reopen.  It's a very pretty cat, and I can't easily tell whether it's a stray or a local Six Dinner Sid. 

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