Boundary Walk

Tony Graeme

Tue 19 May 2009, 18:58

Thanks for the kind remarks Frank.
We shouldn't forget the others (Anne Ballard, Christopher Betts, Gerald Draper and Sarah Potter)who helped smooth our progress on the day by ferrying those who wanted out to the start, meeting us at the road crossings, moving the the 'lollipops' between sites and collecting them after. Nor should we forget Roger, the Town Clerk, who each year writes to all the landowners for permission to cross their land and to the Council Chairman, Nick Potter who collected the roadside warnings from the Woodstock Rd after we had passed.

Frank Payne

Mon 18 May 2009, 19:37

Many thanks to Tony for leading a small but intrepid band of walkers on Sunday's Boundary Walk. Even though the weather was at times very wet we had an extremely enjoyable day's walking through parts of the Parish we would not normally have seen.



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