Riverside taster

Dave Oates

Mon 18 May 2009, 16:47

Thanks to all of you that came to suppport the Riverside at Fat Lil's yesterday. It was a great day and if yesterday's bands were anything to go by, this could be the best Riverside ever!

Dave Oates

Fri 15 May 2009, 17:41

Fat Lil's on Corn St in Witney are hosting a Riverside Festival "taster" this Sunday. Entry is only £3 and there are 6 bands on, of which 3 (billypure, King B and 1000 Mile Highway) are from Charlbury. Doors open at 3 and the 1st band is on at 4. I have just seen the weather forecast for the weekend and it looks like it is going to be wet so what better way to keep dry and enjoy a great day of music???

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