Charlbury Community Centre

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 26 Oct 2005, 16:52

Is there any sorted of "potted history" of the Community Centre saga anywhere?

And who is involved? Where are the plans? What alternatives have been proposed?

It's all baffling for newcomers!

Amanda Epps

Mon 24 Oct 2005, 10:59

I attended Wednesday's WODC Meeting, along with the speakers, Chris Tatton, Cllr Reg James and our former County Councillor Brian Hodgson. Tory Councillors stated that the project had changed and they had not been informed. Well, perhaps they should have asked their staff. The sports hall idea was dropped on the advice of the WODC officer then involved with the Community Centre project. When he left, another WODC officer replaced him and was fully aware that there were no longer any dedicated spaces but that all areas would be multi-use. As recently as August and last week, WODC officers, met OCC officers to discuss the way forward. The Tory cabinet also stated that they would look sympathetically at detailed new proposals. Charlbury will hold them to that.

Chris Tatton

Thu 20 Oct 2005, 17:44

A number of Charlbury residents attended the District Council meeting in Witney yesterday, to hear the debate on the Conservative Group recommendation to remove £250,000 from the District Council capital programme for the proposed Charlbury Community Centre.

Despite excellent speeches by Diana Potten, Trevor Jones, Glena Chadwick and Gareth Epps requesting that this money remain in the Preparation Pool element of the WODC capital programme, the Conservatives who run the District Council voted through the removal of the funding.

The Liberal Democrats, together with some Independents and a Labour Councillor voted to keep this money in the capital budget.

Amanda Epps

Tue 18 Oct 2005, 18:44

Mr Norton is not correct. For some years the Vision for the Centre has not included any dedicated space for any organisation or function, except for the offices of the Adult Learning staff and the Centre manager. All other rooms will be multi-use, including the Library. This is what happens in Adderbury where Keith Mitchell, leader of OCC was one of the main movers in providing the new library facility and community space. The rooms can be used for Adult Learning classes, meetings, art exhipbitions, rehearsals, performances, talks etc. Many new builds are now taking on this role, including schools encouraging use out of school hours by the community at large. Nothing has changed to any significant extent recently so why remove the Centre from the preparation Pool at all. To do so sends a very negative message to the residents of Charlbury.

Chris Tatton

Tue 18 Oct 2005, 17:03

As a resident of Charlbury I am still concerned, despite some clarification, about the possible effect on the Charlbury Community Centre, of one of the Conservative cabinet's decisions which is before the District Council tomorrow.

This proposal is to remove £250,000 from the Preparation Pool element of West Oxfordshire District Council's Capital Programme, which is part of the Medium term financial strategy.

I understand that Oxfordshire County Council are in the process of bringing the District Council up to date with recent developments, as West Oxfordshire District Council funding is understandably considered critical.

In light of the above,what message will the Cabinet decision last week send out, and I quote from the Cabinet minutes "that provision for the Tomas Gifford Centre be removed from the Preparation pool". The cabinet minutes go on to say "in all equity, the project ought to have been removed from the preparation pool long ago"... it is also "possible that the current scheme would not require the District Council's support given the County Council's involvement".

In light of what is recorded in the Cabinet minutes, perhaps other resident's might share my concerns, at this delicate stage of negotiations between the District and County Council's over Charlbury's Community Centre. What signal could this Cabinet proposal send out? Please re-consider this cabinet proposal, for the sake of Charlbury's Community Centre.

Chris Tatton

Barry Norton

Tue 18 Oct 2005, 13:41

In response to numerous calls and e mails, I set out the Council’s position in relation to the above project, known also as the Spendlove Site and the Thomas Gifford Centre.

Since the late 1990’s an amount for Thomas Gifford Centre Phase 2 has been in the Council Capital Preparation…

Long post - click to read full text

Amanda Epps

Tue 18 Oct 2005, 13:00

I would urge residents to do as Chris suggests. Also one can attend the West Oxfordshire District Council Meeting in the Wood Green council offices at 2pm tomorrow, Wednesday, 19 October to hear the discussion on this important issue for all who live in the Town. That is when the final decision will be made.

Chris Tatton

Sat 15 Oct 2005, 16:21

Charlbury residents may be interested to know that the Conservatives on West Oxfordshire District Council are proposing to remove considerable funding for the proposed Charlbury Community Centre from the District Council capital programme. If you wish to object to this, please contact Cllr Barry Norton - Leader of the District Council, by e-mail: or by phone 01993-881777, as soon as possible.

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