Beautiful black/white cat . . .

Valerie Stewart

Fri 2 Sep 2022, 17:00

Where I lived before moving here there was a small ginger puss whose (nominal) home was my neighbour; they had two large dogs and lots of emotional pain happening so he would come and make himself at home in my house or garden.  I found him sleeping in the bath, the sink, on a bookshelf, under my duvet ... it caused some friction.  So kudos to you and to Chloe for being so calm about it.  

michele marietta
👍 2

Fri 2 Sep 2022, 13:39

@Alan: hahaha! I'm unsure if chasing Cleo around with a watering can will be that effective.

Alan Cobb
👍 2

Fri 2 Sep 2022, 13:06

I thought there was a hosepipe ban in force?

michele marietta

Fri 2 Sep 2022, 12:22 (last edited on Fri 2 Sep 2022, 13:39)

Anna (and any others out there who receive unwelcome visits from Cleo): Just use the hosepipe.

Cleo will get the message.

We DID feed her a can of real tuna this morning in hopes of it enticing her to stay closer to home, because yesterday she was in a neighbour's laundry basket asleep.

Crazy cat.

EDITED: the laundry basket was in the upstairs hall.

Anna Cherry
👍 1

Thu 1 Sep 2022, 15:15

Thanks everyone - coincidentally I was playing Pickleball with Miles when my son was being enticed by Cleo's alluring presence outside his office window. He's now put the blind down! Good to know where Cleo lives but rest assured, Michele, I wouldn't dream of using the hose on her. However from Saturday onwards my dog-share 'Milo' will be in residence so interesting territory disputes may ensue . . .

Robin Taylor
👍 3

Thu 1 Sep 2022, 13:27

Good to know her real name, we’d nicknamed her Jess because she reminded us of Postman Pat's cat.

michele marietta
👍 2

Thu 1 Sep 2022, 13:00

Yeah -- It's ours. It's Cleo. She often visits other places to say hello. Please don't feed her though. We're on Wychwood Close, so it sounds like she's just extending her territory of home visits. Apologies for any hassle. Feel free to boot her out, or use your hosepipe on her if you're not a cat person.

Robin Taylor

Thu 1 Sep 2022, 12:37

It looks like the one that comes through our garden regularly and trots down our drive, as a short cut from Wychwood Close to Enstone Road, I don’t think it’s a stray, it just likes surveying its empire. It often looks as if it would like to come in, and once over the summer heatwave when I'd left the front door open late into the evening, suddenly appeared from the back of the living room asking politely to be shown the way out! I don’t encourage it for this reason, I’d hate it to get trapped inside anywhere if I hadn’t noticed it come in,

Valerie Stewart

Thu 1 Sep 2022, 12:28

It could be the one who turns up in Hanover Close sometimes - black with white bib and gorgeous green eyes.  It climbs up my neighbour's cat ladder and asks to be let in, and I saw it once when sitting in the garden - I think it was headed our way.  That was a few weeks ago, haven't seen it since (and she didn't let it in).  It didn't look like a stray.  I hope it finds its way home.  

Anna Cherry
👍 1

Thu 1 Sep 2022, 11:52

. . . keeps appearing on my single story extension roof in Wychwood Paddocks. Does anyone know who it belongs to - please see photo in adverts. Thanks

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