Proposed demolition of Green Bank

James Norris
👍 4

Sun 21 Aug 2022, 08:30 (last edited on Sun 21 Aug 2022, 08:40)

Nick, I’m all for that place, would absolutely love it. It’s a reasonably large 4-bed home for a family. The only ‘LA’ addition is a small gym and how it utilises the hill to create its levels. Is your objection jealously based? Understandable, I’m jealous too, but if they can afford it then more power to them.

A Charlbury/Cotswold vineyard is pretty much my dream.

Miranda Higham
👍 1

Sat 20 Aug 2022, 19:03 (last edited on Sat 20 Aug 2022, 19:05)

Hi Rosemary, I won’t be contacting WODC as I have no opinion on the property being developed, I just wondered what happens with old building materials.

I will go and ask Google.

Oh and a Charlbury vineyard sounds like a good plan Mark!

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 20 Aug 2022, 17:43

Good question, Miranda. You’d better ask the WODC!

Mark Sulik
👍 2

Sat 20 Aug 2022, 10:46 (last edited on Sat 20 Aug 2022, 10:48)


Paul D Jenkins
👍 17

Sat 20 Aug 2022, 09:35

Rod is absolutely correct here in his view and also correct that he will likely be disrupted more than most by any redevelopment. . I am sure many people in Charlbury have extended, redeveloped and reworked their own homes. I know I have! The house itself has a significant element that was used for pottery works that is currently uninhabitable. The owners absolutely have the right to consider what works for them and apply for planning. It is accepted that you may rework the property a different way if its was yours - but it is not!  The planning authority will take a view on the materials, design and layout and how any development conforms to the local environment. Personally I think the design is fine, uses local materials i.e.Cotswold stone and will be in keeping with the local area. If you object to the design then let WODC know, but its simply rude to comment on the owners ambitions and reasons, when you probably don't know them. For the record, I do!!

Miranda Higham
👍 2

Sat 20 Aug 2022, 08:47

When a building like this is demolished, what happens to the materials it was made of?

Do they get sorted for recycling/reuse or does it all go to landfill?

Nick Jones
👍 4

Sat 20 Aug 2022, 08:13

But James, you can see the proposed new property as a 3D mockup on the WODC website. Sadly it's a bit of a bloated monstrosity, like the owners have confused the Evenlode valley for the LA hills. Personally I don't understand the appeal, except perhaps to massage the ego in a time of great economic hardship for many people..
James Norris
👍 8

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 22:34

Let the owners build the house they want (within reason of course). Can’t understand the natural position to object to something you’ve not even seen just because it’s change.

Chris Tatton
👍 3

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 18:35

I’m more worried about climate change Tony, than interest rates at a mere 5% and a bit of stagflation to be honest. 😁

Rod Evans
👍 19

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 18:01

I am not going to comment on the merits or otherwise of my neighbour’s proposed replacement of the current dwelling, at least not here.  To demolish one building and replace with another one – as opposed to 2, 3 , 4 or 5 - however will involve considerable expense which is unlikely to be recouped for several years if ever.  Whatever you may think about it, the accusation of a ‘greedy development’ is thus unjustified if not possibly libelous.  I say that as one of the people who will be most inconvenienced by the works involved should they go ahead (but eggs and omelettes etc).  If you have an opinion on the proposal on planning grounds I suggest it is made known to WODC asap rather than sounding off about the owners on the forum.

Tony Morgan

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 17:13

Not when interest rates reach 5%, inflation continues to rise, we enter stagflation and house prices fall!

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 15:34

Buy it, do it up, sell it. Easy money!

Steve Jones

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 15:22

It was rather exclusive at £1.3m in 2019...

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 13:31

Thanks, Steve. Just another expensive and exclusive ‘development’.

Steve Jones
👍 7

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 13:14

Ultimately it's a private house, it's not listed and it's not historic so there aren't really much grounds to object apart from disruption and intrusion if it's increased in size. The town council has raised a large number of objections, but those are not based on the actual principle of demolition and rebuilding as secondary matters.

Rosemary Bennett
👍 2

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 13:07 (last edited on Fri 19 Aug 2022, 13:14)

Yes, thanks Steve. Just had a quick look on the WODC, and it is what I thought. It will be allowed, because £££££s talk louder than protest around here. And look what arrived on the old dairy site above it, which proves my point, I believe.

So sad to lose yet another quirky and lovely property to greedy development. But this is Charlbury.

Steve Jones

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 13:02

GreenBank is to the right as you walk down Mill Lane. It seems when is was sold in 2019, it went for almost £1.3m, so whoever is demolishing it to build a new house has deep pockets.

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 12:57

Not sure where you mean… not Jenny’s by the riverside?

Jane Crane
👍 1

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 09:47

On a walk to the meadows of Dyers Hill yesterday I stopped to read a planning notice for GreenBank with a request to demolish this lovely individually designed single storey house that overlooks the river.
It seems such a shame to destroy a unique and low environmental impact house which was designed and built by its previous architect owner. 

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