Road closure

Harriet Baldwin
👍 3

Fri 19 Aug 2022, 07:14

It mother has dementia and hasn't slept for 48 hrs, which makes her unmanageable. Maybe they think there are no houses down the Enstone road but they are parked right outside the house and there are bright flashing lights all night. There should have been far more notice that this was going to happen. 

Dominic Cavendish
👍 4

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 23:33

Looks like second night in a row with no sleep. The timing of these works is insane.

Andrew Chapman

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 21:22

Ah, thanks Alan - interesting. (One driver was certainly following satnav and asked for directions as they were confused by finding themselves on a bumpy lane!)

Alan Cobb

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 20:56

People going up Crawborough may not be relying on their satnav's - they could be going that way because its shown as the diversionary route on the map and the main OCC map (though not on the detailed inset).

Andrew Chapman

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 20:02 (last edited on Thu 18 Aug 2022, 20:12)

Meanwhile some people's satnavs are sending them up Crawborough… quite a string of cars going that way earlier this evening, presumably because the Road Closed sign on The Slade is just past the Crawborough turning..

Gareth Epps

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 19:46 (last edited on Thu 18 Aug 2022, 20:40)

The temporary traffic lights have been switched on again, but (having just come through) some are in the wrong location so anyone driving through may meet traffic coming the other way.  There is very little, if any signage in the right places.

Alan Cobb
👍 1

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 12:33

The two way traffic in Market St is only at night (7.00pm to 6.00am, I think).  There were traffic lights in operation last night, but they are switched off at the moment.

Hans Eriksson

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 11:25

I was under the impression there would be temporary 2 way traffic on Market St and Brown's lane supported by traffic lights. Is that in operation?

Alan Cobb
👍 2

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 10:32

The large vehicle on Market St at 4:15am was the Fire Engine.  Loud male voices were, I presume, the firemen trying to get their engine through.

James Styring

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 10:19

Re road closure at X-rds 7.00 pm - 6.00 am. You can still get in and out of Hundley Way but only towards Enstone. I guess if you were heading to Witney you wld need to go via Taston, Spelsbury, Pound Hill and Forest Rd.

Brian Murray
👍 2

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 10:14

The County Council and their contractors have been rather feeble with this. Where are the warning signs for heavy vehicle drivers, advising that they cannot get through Charlbury between 7.00 pm and 6.00 am?

Jane Crane
👍 2

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 09:55

Market Street 4.15am this morning: car alarm followed by heavy vehicle manoeuvre then load male voices followed by heavy vehicle going through…. Lasted 15 minutes … welcome to Thursday and living on Market Street …but hey we at least got our bins finally emptied yesterday after 3 weeks of wheelie bin chaos !
Grump over !

Liz Leffman

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 09:19 (last edited on Thu 18 Aug 2022, 09:19)

I have emailed today to ask that they create as little unnecessary noise as possible.  

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 08:52

It's OCC who authorised the work, but Milestone Infrastructure is responsible for carrying it out.

The person with responsibility is Allan Sibley, Scheme Supervisor 0345 310 1111, email 

The letter to me from OCC said that the noisiest operations would be over by 11 p.m. each night, but some noise would be inevitable, and that the site team would be briefed to complete the work with as little disruptiion and as quietly as practicably possible.

Dominic Cavendish

Thu 18 Aug 2022, 08:29

hi Does anyone know contact details for the relevant authority that authorised this? Dusk to dawn loud noise, culminating in a 5am shouting match between a couple of the workers.

Gareth Epps

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 22:56

Given the scale of traffic flow in those directions, Brian - it is surely up to the County Council as the highway authority to instruct its contractors.

There was quite a lot of interesting highway activity on display as I walked up from the station.

Brian Murray
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 22:35

Gareth, I came back in to Charlbury at 7.45 p.m. on the Witney road and got as far as Wychwood Close/The Slade where the road was closed. Behind me was an escort vehicle driving ahead of an 18 tonne combine harvester trying to get to Enstone. At no point on the road from Witney was there a sign advising of a closure or diversion ahead. At Fiveways, there was a sign for traffic coming from Woodstock/A 44 and reading 'diverted traffic' and directing them along Sturt Road. The signage contractor at the point of closure told us that Ox C C had not required a sign telling traffic from Witney to Enstone -  light or heavy vehicles - to turn right at Fiveways.  Who is at fault - county or contractor?

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 20:21

Communication with residents gives no information about domestic access, so good luck to anyone with any emergency issues.  There is no information about which parts of the crossroads or surrounding area will be worked on which days/nights.

I am concerned that HGVs will breach the Town Centre ban.  Any offenders need ideally to be photographed and reported.

Janet Sly
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 18:53

18.45h we’ve just been returning to town and dropped by Coop. Looks like they might be doing two way traffic up and down Brown’s Lane because there is a traffic light set up there by the Coop Shop. All the appliances are lined up in The north end of The Slade and bottom of Ditchley Road we had to do the usual backing and filling to manoeuvre past everyone to get into the Green. Diversion signs up to Taston road on the way back from Enstone. Let the festivities begin. 19.00hrs

Grace Cahill

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 16:53

Does anyone know when the no parking restrictions come into force on Market Street? Unless I’ve completely missed it, I haven’t seen any notification about this. 

Harriet Baldwin

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 16:53

Will they be moving the lights, signs and comes up from Brown's lane? At the moment looks like they're expecting to close off the cross roads in the centre

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 16:11

Now fixed. Thanks.

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 15:44

Sorry, trying to upload the more detailed version but am having problems doing that

Christine Battersby

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 15:08

Thanks Liz. But the two versions of the map in the news section still both show the entrance to Ditchley Rd as closed. 

The map on also jolly confusing. 

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 14:23

I'm uploading another map in the news section which shows the actual extent of the work, which shows that Ditchley Road will be accessible.  The few houses within the area of the work will be allowed to access their properties

Miranda Higham

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 14:02

I have looked at the map and read the notes. The notes only refer to emergency access. Does that mean anyone living off Ditchley Rd, The Green area won’t be able to access or leave their home by car?

Is there no residential access?


Rachel Ramsay

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 10:48

Thanks Liz, so there will still be access to Wychwood House at the crossroads?

James Norris

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 10:36

Definitely appreciate HGVs finding non-village routes, but worth flagging on a local level there are alternatives for smaller vehicles.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 10:30

James, the map shows Ditchley Rd as closed. And in any case there is no access to Enstone or Banbury Hill Farm via Ditchley Road. 

Liz Leffman
👍 9

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 09:52

This is a proposed route so up to you what you choose to do.  But I am not going to instruct officers to divert traffic through tiny villages.

James Norris

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 09:45 (last edited on Wed 17 Aug 2022, 09:47)

Is that map suggesting the route to Banbury Hill Farm or Enstone from central Charlbury would be to go all the way to the A44 at The Duke of Marlborough and round that way? Because obviously you wouldn’t do that. Why does it not show via Spelsbury/Taston or Ditchley Road? Both routes would be 1/4 of the time.

Liz Leffman
👍 2

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 08:49

I've just uploaded a clearer map to the News section

Richard Broughton
(site admin)
👍 1

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 08:47

though it is not always the easiest to interpret.  (Credit to a fellow Charlbury resident who tipped us off to this site some time ago.)

Rachel Ramsay

Wed 17 Aug 2022, 08:03

Does anyone know if/where I can find a map of exactly where the road closure will be over the next three nights?

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