Records (78s, 45s & LPs)

Alex Flynn

Thu 4 Aug 2022, 22:52

Sorry to be pedantic Malcolm but I think you meant "chrome/ferric" option. Ferric was the most common cheaper tape used on a lot of pre-recorded cassettes. 

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 4 Aug 2022, 14:00

Realised in middle of the night... that I meant pre-recorded cassettes... But seeing as tape is making a bit of a comeback, perhaps low-use top quality tape for recording like the Chrome stuff might still be worth something. A number of later generations of cassette recorders had a chrome/ferrous tape option switch and I remember that the chrome tapes were more expensive to buy.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 22:32

'Twas taken a bit aback by cassettes too, but that's what was said. But then, it was just a bulletin board and people make all sorts of statements... Probably depends, like a lot of stuff people on the obsessive scale or whatever it is, depends on what it is... that attracts the collectors' instincts.

John Partington
👍 1

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 17:16

Thanks for some great responses, including private messages:  I've got loads of useful leads now.  They're being sold (where possible) for charity, of course, and it looks as though there are some good possibilities.

I'd no idea, Malcolm, that there's even a potential market for cassettes.  Currently I pay my grandchildren 1p a time for recycling them.

Rachel Brushfield

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 13:59

Rapture in Witney are vinyl specialists (upstairs).

Gareth Epps

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 12:55

I've messaged you.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 12:51 (last edited on Wed 3 Aug 2022, 12:53)

Don't be too hasty to dispose of the old Analogue Audio Media- its coming back into fashion and some people are raking off lucrative gains.

I gathered from an old acqaintance via a BBS last year (wish could remember which one now, there are a few lingering - anyone else old enough to know those old BBS's? Fidonet into Africa? Some still exist, relics from the 70s and 80s ).

The short thread was that DO NOT BE HASTY disposing of old "analogue" media. A lot of sharp operators are making a lot of money because Vinyl Vogue is back as a money making "Collectables" market that not many ordinary people know about! I mean a lot of dosh!

Also for Cassette Tapes - they are having a come-back, too.

Rather than just treat them as a recycling embarrassment, (55" cathode ray TVs anyone?) storing them safely whilst trying to break into the secretive circles of the Analogue Audio Collectibles might be in order. Such was the general gist of the discussion on that old BBS a while back. So beware of Conger Eels wide-boys lurking in the ooze of the market bottom! Or whatever analogy to sharks might be fitting.

Miranda Higham

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 11:42 (last edited on Wed 3 Aug 2022, 11:44)

Oxfam in Chipping Norton are vinyl specialists 

Or some might be of interest to me :) !

Emily Algar

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 10:56

You could try Truck in Witney or Oxford. They take old vinyls and sell them.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 10:03

Or you could see if Street Fair will put them on their Book Stall to sell

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 09:51

Try selling them on EBay or on here.    I recently got rid of a large amount of records, 45s, LPs and EPs on this site.

Alex Gerrard

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 09:12 (last edited on Wed 3 Aug 2022, 09:12)

John, I recently gave a batch of vinyl’s to The Salvation Army in Banbury, they have a ‘specialist’ who deals with them.

John Partington

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 08:05

Along with the books, CDs etc that people are kindly giving, I have a growing number (many hundreds now) of vinyl, and shellac, records ... and no ready outlet for them - either for sale or recycling.  Many are of no particular interest, but some (of the 45s especially) may be collectable.

Any suggestions, please?  I'll gladly give (or, even better, sell) any or all of them to whoever can usefully deal with them.

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