Dog Poo - A Solution!

Gill Begnor
👍 3

Sat 23 Jul 2022, 10:42

Well thanks to those who are trying to help by clearing up after others. Things do seem to be improving a bit and the area just inside the gate is a lot better than it has been in the past :-)

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 22 Jul 2022, 22:03

I’m sorry, Gill. I'm all done with this as we've been here before with no resolution.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 22 Jul 2022, 20:30 (last edited on Fri 22 Jul 2022, 20:32)


Gill Begnor
👍 3

Fri 22 Jul 2022, 20:19

Rosemary - what was your 'complete solution'? And what about my post made you think that I was suggesting anyone should let it "happen randomly, anywhere they like." 

I picked up another 3 bags full today :-(

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 22 Jul 2022, 14:22

I offered a complete 100% success solution to the dog owners of Charlbury, but it did mean they had to do something more than just let it happen randomly, anywhere they like.

Matthew Greenfield

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 17:17

I saw this article the other day and thought of the good citizens of Charlbury (it does indeed include DNA testing of dog poo as one solution!):

Another fine mess: clearing up the dog poo problem

Damian Gannon
👍 4

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 09:28

It is such a shame that people are not cleaning up after their dogs.

I avoid Hundley Way now as I end up with other peoples dog poop on my shoes and even on my own dogs paws. It is a problem when even dogs are stepping in poop? Please clean up after your dog.

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 4

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 15:19

We are already picking up a couple of abandoned poos on pretty well every trip down Hundley Way and where closish to the sort of unofficial "walkways" in the Clarkes Bottom field (though there it is hard to keep track of where they deposit if they run off a few tens of yards).

As the dogs can tend to lag behind, sniffing, up the Way it is possible we miss a sneaky, or second poo, now and then...

But there has been a marked increase in deposits recently, often right where people and dogs are likely to tread, and getting somewhat resentful about how much extra we are picking up!

In the USA, some local authorities have mandated DNA analysis for dogs, illicit deposits can be sent for identification, and fines are levied. Maybe Big Brother technology can have a positive side to it.

Finally, thanks to Emily and Lesley Algar for always putting a bowl of water out for the mutts on Hundley Way. Ours have been gasping on the way back from our sojourns on many occassions!

Gill Begnor
👍 4

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 11:08

The field next to Hundley way is open for walkers again - and is already filling up with dog poo :-( Sadly the people who ignore all the polite requests to clear up after their dogs remain stuck in their disgusting habits. The other day I picked up 4 bits that had been left across the end of a driveway in Hundley Way.

However, I have a suggestion..... if every responsible dog owner picks up one other dog's poo per walk, assuming the ratio of responsible:irresponsible dog owners is more than 1:1, that should allow us to clean up Charlbury and restore the reputation of the majority of dog owners who stick to the 'leave nothing but footprints' motto :-) 

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