Blooming Highway Drains!

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 24 Jul 2022, 12:44

This is why it'd have been nice to know the Enstone rd work was happening a bit sooner as I have to cancel my first respite in 8 years. I won't get the opportunity again, because there'll be no funding, despite the fact I have it on medical grounds. 

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Sun 24 Jul 2022, 10:30

Unfortunately, OCC is still living with the effects of austerity, and is also having to cope with the cost of living crisis which affects every aspect of what we do.  And if the next prime minister cuts the proposed NI levy, then we will have an even bigger problem to face as there will be no extra money to fund social care. This will impact everything to do with maintaining our roads, verges etc.  Just saying.........

The drains that are blocked will be cleared.  The ones at the bottom of the Slade were given a thorough cleanse a few weeks ago.

Regarding the vegetation at the bottom of Pound Hill, this used to be cut back buy some kind Town Council volunteers.  The path up the side of Pound Hill which is reached through that gate was put there by the Cotswold Wardens and they are now looking at ways of improving it, and might be asked to manage the vegetation.

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 24 Jul 2022, 07:31

I believe the houses at the bottom of the slade have flooded in the past few years partially due to the drains being blocked and not taking away run off in heavy rains. 

Jim Holah
👍 9

Sat 23 Jul 2022, 20:53

Let's remember the years & years of budget cuts (both central & local government) driven by an austerity ethos that has so reduced the provision of sound maintenance & estate management.  We can only continue to press the new local administrations to improve on the poor record of previous administrations.  They may need more than a few months though.

Mark Sulik
👍 1

Sat 23 Jul 2022, 20:42

Lots of silt deposits and vegetation growing to the edge of the kerb and pavement , washing down and filling the drains ( Noticeable when walking to the Station ) - defeating the design purpose of having them in the first instance!?   

Jackie Hague
👍 2

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 15:46

Still not safe for pedestrians at the foot of Pound Hill. 

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 14:57

Hear, hear G.Clarke. Just also we should check the detailed ecology of some verges - quite often the diversity depends on a proper cut at just the right time to keep these impromptue "nature reserves" at their best.

Lets hope the Tory bean counters who resent anyone but the rich being given money, will not cut back completely on appropriate optimal management for some excuse.

G Clarke
👍 5

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 14:50

Personally (I am a driver) I rejoice when I see the verges left to flower, and my heart sinks when I see verges mowed to oblivion in other counties or in this one by private owners. Roadside verges are an essential component of protecting and enhancing biodiversity - something that has been disappearing at an alarming rate in this country. If you think that living in the countryside means there is lots of biodiversity around, I’m afraid you are sadly deluded - industrialized agriculture and the widespread use of herbicides and pesticides have put paid to that. Bees in fact do better in towns because there are more food sources for them in gardens than can be found in the seemingly ‘natural’ countryside.

“Road verges are home to almost half of the UK’s wildflower species (that’s 720 different flowers) . . . In turn these flowers are home to hundreds of species of pollinators, from beetles to bumblebees. . . . Many road verges are home to remnants of once widespread flowers found in meadows, fenlands and farmland long since lost as land-use has changed and farming has become more industrial. Road verges are particularly important during the spring and summer when a huge range of wildflowers and grasses provide a rich habitat for wildlife including insects, spiders, snails, small mammals and birds.” Nobody disputes that “some road verges – particularly at junctions, certain bends or on busy roads – need to be cut for driver and pedestrian safety”.

Steve Jones
👍 1

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 13:01

Isn't the theory that it's the stone announcing the border of the Cotswold AOB that is preventing the verges being cut just a trifle fanciful?

Might I gently suggest that this is one of those personal gripes that feels as if it needs to be publicly aired from time to time. We all have those, some more insistent that others, and I hope the itch has been scratched, if only for a while...

Charlie M
👍 3

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 08:24 (last edited on Thu 21 Jul 2022, 08:26)

I suspect that the reason the verges on the Charlbury to Woodstock road have not been cut is that whoever placed that stupid "Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" lump of stone just before Kings Wood have forgotten where it is, and now are afraid of damaging their expensive cutters on the hidden stone! 

Many people have things called eyes, and if they open them, they can SEE that it is an area of outstanding natural beauty! They might as well add a couple of arrows to the stone, one pointing downwards labelled "Ground", and another pointing upwards, labelled "Sky"! DUH!!

Graham Wisker
👍 4

Thu 21 Jul 2022, 08:11

Not cutting back verges because of biodiversity,  what an absolute joke, more like cost cutting.  I can understand in a town or city centre, but we are in the middle of a rural area with fields, woods and forest. 

sylvia benfield
👍 2

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 20:51

All the drains coming down Nine Acres Lane from Enstone Road crossroads are blocked with soil and vegetation. Ive reported this on several occasions on FixMyStreet to absolutely no avail. They remained completely clogged up.

Mark Sulik
👍 1

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 18:18

Accident waiting to happen 

Harriet Baldwin
👍 2

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 15:54

Also biodiversity is perfectly possible with short grass. Any good ecologist would tell you that.

Harriet Baldwin
👍 1

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 15:48 (last edited on Wed 20 Jul 2022, 15:48)

Verges haven't been cut on the Fawler turn. And I've given up suggesting you cut the verge on the turn into nine acres close with no doubt pleases everyone

Mark Sulik
👍 4

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 15:43

The complete distance from Charlbury to Woodstock needs cutting - as it has been for the past 40 years - to provide visibility! and be able to see the many signs that have been put up showing speed limits- 

Biodiversity……. Or saving money - another topic running and a different answer to the same question raised last year - when they were cut 

Liz Leffman
👍 6

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 11:33

The verges have been cut at points where visibility is an issue - but we are no longer cutting all of the verges.  This is in order to encourage biodiversity - but if there are places where you think they need to be cut because this is causing problems for drivers and cyclists please let me know. I am onto the drains, by the way.

Graham Wisker

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 08:43

In addition to this,  I noticed that the verges on roads around Oxfordshire have not been cut back.  This is dangerous as it restricts your view on bends.

Joanna Shakir
👍 1

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 18:34

The drain between Evenlode Close flats and the Scout Hut has been blocked for several years and when there is heavy rain, it lifts the drain inspection cover outside the gate to Wigwell on Nine Acres Lane. Water and leaves pour out and are very slippy, especially when iced in winter. I reported this using Fix my Street but they closed the investigation in January 2021 saying it had been passed to the relevant team.

Miranda Higham

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 16:43

Jim - that was what I was thinking.  If we have torrential rain when the weather breaks, there could be a problem.

Jim Holah
👍 6

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 15:57

Ive reported about 8 blocked drains recently through fixmystreet, all with a build up of silt, soil & vegetation, many sprouting plant life.  All of the responses, following inspection, refer to gulleys being cleaned as part of the next gulley clearance programme.  I hope we don't have a storm soon, as the rainwater will simply wash down into town as there's nowhere for it to go.

Mark Sulik
👍 3

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 14:05

Not blocked with vegetation from cutting the verges 

Miranda Higham

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 11:47

Thank you Liz

Liz Leffman
👍 6

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 11:22

Will take this up. Miranda, and ask for the drains to be cleared

Miranda Higham

Mon 18 Jul 2022, 07:26 (last edited on Mon 18 Jul 2022, 07:41)

As well as overgrown roadside verges being a safety issue, I notice many highway drains around town are blocked.

I sent highways an email this morning with a photo of a drain on The Slade (Ditchley Road end). It’s filled with soil and has grass and plants growing out of it. Compared to our gardens at the moment, it’s flourishing!

I have asked them when they plan to clear them next.

Update- I’ve been directed to Fix my Street and have reported

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