Bespoke garden gate

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 3 Jul 2022, 18:45

Jennny-  What about a riven or cleft wood ... err ... well ... sort of short decorative riven fence and gate to keep the two canines from leaping atop visitors and inflicting horrific damage by "friendly licking"? Be much nicer than the rotting out stockwire and roundposts that are giving way. I'm assuming a hardwood would last longer.

Jenny Chambers
👍 4

Sun 3 Jul 2022, 07:02

Update: I have a commission.

Jenny Chambers

Tue 28 Jun 2022, 08:00

After the success & delight of making my first cleft wood garden gate last summer, I'm going to make another one this summer. See the Adverts section for a pic of the cleft chestnut gate I made last year.

This year I will make a gate of cleft oak, under the tuition of

However, I don't need a garden gate at the moment! Would anyone like a bespoke cleft oak gate made especially for their garden? See for the type of gate I'll make. It can be up to 4ft wide, any height and can include design features of your choice (if not too complicated!)  I can measure the exact dimensions you require.

I would charge you enough to cover the wood needed and half of my tuition fee, so approx £250.

If you like the idea & want to find out more, contact me on 07766 710465.  Your deadline date is Saturday 9th July.

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