The end of The Shed?

Dave Oates

Tue 31 Mar 2009, 20:02

Thanks Glenna - originally that was my understanding but it seems things have changed.

glena chadwick

Tue 31 Mar 2009, 20:00

I know that there was a rumour to this effect last year but I understood that it had been denied. I have emailed Sue Haffenden (our County Councillor) and asked her to tell me exactly what the position is. Charlbury needs the Spendlove AND the Shed. It has helped (and is helping) so many young people.

Dave Oates

Mon 30 Mar 2009, 18:39

I am looking at the best way to help the Shed now - any ideas are welcome

Kate Smith

Mon 30 Mar 2009, 18:37


Dave Oates

Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:31

I have recently heard that Oxfordshire County Council intend to sell The Shed and its' land to partially fund the new Library/Adult Education facility on the Spendlove site. Whilst I am 100% supportive of the building of the new facility, I am appalled and disgusted that this will be at the expense of a true community facility, namely Shed Theatre and the Shed building.

Shed Theatre, run by Chris Wray, Sue Cochrane, Trish Fraser and Theresa Laughton, has become one of the finest youth theatre groups in the country, having presented a myriad of fantastic productions and has appeared twice at the Edinburgh Festival and indeed, won a "Sold Out" award from the Festival organisers for their production of Under Milkwood last summer. They have had hundreds of LOCAL children through their doors and at NO COST to our community. In fact, they are the biggest non-sporting youth facility in the town.

The beauty of the Shed as a building is that it has always been a "black box" which means our kids can be as creative as they want without interfering with anyone else. There have also been lots of other activities and groups over the years that have benefitted from the facility - Alan Fraser's popular jazz nights, poetry evenings, acoustic nights etc etc. If this plan is allowed to go ahead, this will be lost to Charlbury, possibly for ever.

I am extremely proud that Charlbury has such a vibrant arts community. The Shed and Shed Theatre in particular, is at the heart of that community. Please help to stop it disappearing

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