New post box at Ticknell Piece. UPDATE

Christine Battersby

Sat 25 Jun 2022, 14:17

Many thanks to the postman or woman who got the new pillar box sorted out -- I expect she or he found at least one letter stuck in the slot when they came to empty it at 7 a.m. this morning.

I think that is where the one letter I managed to post yesterday got lodged. And as for the large A4 envelope that I was unable to shove through the blocked-up slot, I noticed later that it was marked with red paint. It now looks to me as if it was simply an example of really poor (and unfinished) workmanship, rather than poor design.

No need to apologise, Richard. I just wish I had read your original message yesterday before I went out (without a coat or umbrella) to that ridiculous postbox, and then struggled with it as it started to rain. 

Richard Broughton
(site admin)
👍 1

Sat 25 Jun 2022, 12:25

Apparently, a few hours ago, someone, presumably with suitable authority, has removed the baffle at the mouth of the new post box and it now seems properly operational.  Apologies for any panic.

That said, the mouth still seems narrower than the older pillar boxes and I think one would struggle to get a wide envelope with and A4 document flat through it.

Richard Broughton
(site admin)
👍 4

Fri 24 Jun 2022, 18:37

I went to post a letter a few minutes ago and was delighted (momentarily) to see a full size pillar box at the corner instead of the former box on pole. When I actually tried to put my letter in I discovered that it was indeed new, and different from others I have seen in that it had a baffle fitted to prevent all but the thinnest and smallest of letters from going in. I pushed my item (DL envelope with 4 sheets folded) only with difficulty and had to find a twig to finish the job and hear the envelope plop down.

What sort of stupidity is this?  A bigger box but one that is designed to prevent larger items?  This one won't even take what RM describes as a "Large Letter" (something I use frequently) let alone any sort of test kit that its predecessor was designated for (not that they are being used now).  BE WARNED, don't take any thick items here now--use another post box.

This is a totally retrograde move that will make it more difficult for residents all around this part of town to use RM services. We need to get on the case with RM and get a usable post box or at least our old one back.

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