Stray black cat in 2018 - here's what happened.

Valerie Stewart
👍 4

Mon 20 Jun 2022, 01:06

About four years ago – not long after I moved here (Hanover Close) I thought I saw a black tail disappearing behind the sofa after entering through the open window. Sure enough, it was a (totally black) cat, not a well moggy, and it died in my arms as I held it, stroked it, wondered what on earth to do next. With the help of a cat-loving neighbour we got it to the vets, who were brilliant – checked it for chips (none), did an examination, said they would keep it safe for a while in case anyone enquired, and wouldn’t take anything by way of contribution.

It wasn’t a well cat, as I said – quite thin, with a nasty sore on its forehead – and it hadn’t been chipped, but it must have been someone’s companion: he had had the operation, knew enough to climb a cat ladder and find a place with humans for its last hours. I didn’t know about this Forum then, otherwise I’d have said something at the time, but if this post settles any unanswered questions then here it is; he was loved and cared for in his last few minutes this side the rainbow.

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