The True Charlbrariens (Debate)

Roger Short

Thu 26 Nov 2009, 22:44

would not dream of it ken ,welcome back

ken jones

Thu 26 Nov 2009, 19:41

dont get to cocky roger i am back.

Julie Negus

Thu 19 Nov 2009, 12:59

No offence meant to Yorkshire....
As I said in one of my earlier posting Home is where the Heart is, and life is too short.

I would only add that anyone who is born, lives and dies in the same town or place( where ever that may be) amazes me. There are lots of wonderful places with many wonderful people.Your grandad is right,and it is the people that make a place what it is:-)

Pippa Nash

Wed 18 Nov 2009, 19:39

Hi there Julie,

I lived in Yorkshire up till being 24 (in different locations) and had many friends who were from different places, London, High Wycombe, Suffolk (and even Lancashire!) so I would have to disagree with you that you're always an outsider. My husband who is from Salisbury lived there for several years before he met me.

Perhaps it is a combination of an individual's attitude and those around them. Personally I prefer tolerance and generally like people and want to understand what makes them tick. My grandad used to say," If someone does 'X' and you don't know why, look for the reason - there's always one there."

So there's probably a reason you feel everyone in Yorkshire considers anyone else an outsider. Whatever it is, I apologise if it was a Yorkshire person that upset you. We are not all like that.

It makes it difficult when people make sweeping statements about a whole group of people and judge everyone based on evidence that isn't necessarily all true.

There may be some trends, but not everyone is always tarred with the same brush.

People can be prejudiced and judgemental whoever they are and wherever they live.

I've only just dipped into this grease pit, so not sure it's quite for me. Hope you find acceptance wherever you are Julie.

Roger Short

Sun 15 Nov 2009, 19:21

Bon voyage uncle ken, been in that position and managed to change my ways hopefully you can too.

ken jones

Fri 6 Nov 2009, 20:44

so the true charlbraien is being pushed out. no longer allowed to tell the truth so i can no longer post on the grease pit.what a bunch of cowardly incomers you truly are. you cant beat me so you get richard to exclude my posts. never mind narrow minded wimps like you are not worth the hassle. see you soon uncle ken.

ken jones

Wed 1 Apr 2009, 18:00


Julie Negus

Fri 27 Mar 2009, 17:40

Alan I was born in Charlbury but now live in Essex.

At the end of the day home is where the heart is.

But I do understand this is a very old tradition, try going and living in Yorkshire, you' d never be any thing but an outsider, regardless of what you do.

The only true Charlbarian to me is my Granny who was born in The Bull and will turn "95" next week, having lived all her life in Charlbury.

Alan Sinclair

Fri 27 Mar 2009, 15:55

I happen to have been born in Newcastle but I also have a London accent as I spent most of my school years in Twickenham. How about yourself Julie?

Julie Negus

Fri 27 Mar 2009, 14:33

It' s a very sad case that this needs to be baited around.
Does it really matter, just be grateful for what you have......
by the way Alan where were you born?

Alan Sinclair

Thu 26 Mar 2009, 23:46

I and a lot of people already do class our self's as true charlbrariens ken...... you sit there on top of your mountain in Wales and one day you maybe be classed as a true sheep....

ken jones

Thu 26 Mar 2009, 19:34

throwing your toys out of the pram again alan. i think you are a born again igor.keep up the good work you do maybe one day you can call yourself a true charlbrarien.

Alan Sinclair

Mon 23 Mar 2009, 19:50

I believe and so do the people I’ve listed that being a Charlbrarien is a state of mind. We have a desire to keep Charlbury a place that when your friends and family come to visit they say “this is the kind of place I would like to live, you’re so lucky”

I appreciate the work other put into the town, Richard and his wife
(sorry I don’t know her name) the pre school parents, Morris Men, bell ringers the list goes on and on. We are all Charlbrariens but I hate to see the town and the people that work so hard put down.

Alan Sinclair

Mon 23 Mar 2009, 19:36

You are absolutely right Julie, there are lots of people who have done thing for the town in the past and will in the future. However the point I was trying to make is for the few True so called Charlbrariens to stop saying that the people who have only moved to the town don’t count and will never count as a Charlbrarien.


Mon 23 Mar 2009, 14:21

well said julie. dont get me wrong there are alot of people who do alot of for charlbury and well done to you all we are very lucky to live in such a lovely place.

Julie Negus

Mon 23 Mar 2009, 13:53

It' s easy for you to go on about the people who do this and that for Charlbury in the now...
BUT don' t forget the many who in their time have done exactly the same but are now of the older generation. Who do not possess a computer and are not able to get on here and defend their corner.
AND there are many of them.

Alan Sinclair

Sun 22 Mar 2009, 22:47

For someone living on top of a mountain in mid Wales you seem to have a lot to say about how the forum and Charlbury is now run. So what is a True Charlbrarien? Someone that just happened to be born in the place? Or the people that make Charlbury the kind of place we want to live in today?

So let’s take a look there is K** sorry we have been asked not to use names in the past, but there he is sat on his mountain in Wales but born in Charlbury so a True Charlbrarien, what does he do for the town? Nothing apart from moan that I can see ….

Then we have the like of my friends Andy Pickard, Chris Wary, Teresa Loughton, David Evans, Gary Walker, Chris + Claire Johnson, David Oates and myself who give up our time and holidays to arrange and put on The Riverside Festival and The Riverside stage at Cornbury we do not get paid we give our time for the love of the music and our love of Charlbury.

Then this is also the time Chris Wary and Teresa Loughton dedicate to The Shed youth theatre.

Teresa Loughton and Claire Johnson on the street fair committee.

There are so many thing going on in this town and from what I see 95% is done by the people that have only move here and not by the people born in Charlbury. So to all the people above and all the people I have missed but make Charlbury the town we love, in my eyes you are the True Charlbrarien, not the One or Two who happen to have been born here.

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