Acoustic cameras

Robin Taylor
👍 2

Mon 23 May 2022, 19:27

If you look at Robert Court’s website, (a quick Google found the page) on May 10th he was asking for nominations, and there was an online form to fill in,  then the three places with the most nominations by May 16th would be put to a general vote. It seems nobody in Charlbury was aware of it.

Michael Flanagan
👍 5

Mon 23 May 2022, 19:05

What an amazing coincidence.

Mr Courts nominates three sites. One of them is the street he lives in.

I wonder how that choice was made. 

Caspar Morris
👍 2

Mon 23 May 2022, 18:27

I would be happy to speak with him and ask him to consider Charlbury if you like?

Gareth Epps

Mon 23 May 2022, 15:10

Doesn’t stop the Town Council writing to him (futile though it may be).

Please write to the Clerk if you’d like it to be considered.

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Mon 23 May 2022, 08:33

Too late. There's a choice of 3 sites in the Witney constituency. Voting available on Robert Courts website. No site in Charlbury, needless to say. 

Alex Michaels

Sun 22 May 2022, 23:05

To identify the source of excessive sound that causes a noise nuisance from illegally modified exhaust systems on motorbikes or cars, the DfT has written to every MP informing them that they can acquire acoustic cameras (free from DfT) on behalf of their constituents. Worth a letter from the TC to Robert Courts.

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